My husband's appreciation of my cooking efforts. Now, please note that he does not always appreciate the results, but he always appreciates the effort and is quick to offer feedback. I love that he takes my love of cooking and my blog as seriously as I do. He is my biggest supporter and he thinks I can cook anything. It's a joy to cook for someone who loves what I do as much as I do. And, while I'm at it, I love my husband. We run together, bike together, and never get sick of spending time together. It's amazing. We'll be married 18 years in June and it feels like it's gone so fast I wish I could go back and relive it again. <3
[caption id="attachment_822" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Biking our first century ride together!"]

Julia Child. I could read her words over and over again. She is so succinct in her words and I love it. My favorite quote that I see myself in? “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” I love to just take a recipe and change it or throw some ingredients together and see what happens. Flavor profiles were meant to be changed, right? Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a disaster but it's all about enjoying myself, feeding my family and learning for the next time. I love reading her recipes and trying to recreate them and remember to always have fun in the kitchen. Every time I try a new recipe feels like an adventure!
Waffles We tried a new "healthier" recipe tonight for dinner. I know, waffles for dinner?? But it's awesome and the hubby's always off schedule because of his work shift and this way we enjoy our breakfast together.

My daycare kids and their families
Talk about willing to experiment with foods! These kids will try anything, well, almost anything, at least once. They look forward to my food as if they're dining at a 4 star restaurant. It's a favorite question around here, "what are we having" and there's no way not to smile when cheers erupt pretty much to anything you say. These kids are foodies in the making and not only that, they're concerned about the food, the Earth and they care what they're eating! And they're not even in school yet. I love them, and spending my day with them has to be one of the BEST jobs on this planet. One of the perks is getting to know the most wonderful moms and dads out there. I am blessed that we have a great relationship and they appreciate the thought that goes into our meals and are even taking the recipes home!
[caption id="attachment_827" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Wouldn't you want to spend your days with kids this awesome?"]

Running. Biking. Being outside. Really, running has been my first love for the past four years but biking is quickly become a contender. The feeling of being out on my bike is amazing. Running is still my favorite but these hot summer-like days make me glad I've got a bike and hubby who loves to ride too! And I've started joining group rides this year which has made me a better cyclist. It's a good time socializing while keeping fit and healthy. Win-win. Any excuse to be outdoors is a good one for me. I'd spend all day outside if I could and love it.
[caption id="attachment_828" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Yes, I am walking barefoot across a rain swollen stream in cold weather. We're crazy like that."]

My friends and family are the best. They love my food, tolerate my crazy ideas and are there when I need them. What more could you ever ask for? I've been so blessed in my life and I am thankful every day for them! I wasn't always on the right path with my eating, my cooking or my fitness and I'm glad that as I have changed my life, some things have never changed. Friends love whether you eat vegetables or a burger, run a race or walk a mile, pick up take out or cook them a meal. Friends are friends. And mine are the best.

Food...can't forget the food! I love cooking and creating and serving and tasting it. I love it. Good food, that is whole and healthy and that tastes good! I mean, being a foodie is no fun if you don't enjoy what you do and I do! I started my food blog because I wanted to write and share my journey from a mostly processed take out diet to a whole foods, very little processed diet and it has become so much more than that. It's become a community of fellow minded people that appreciate my thoughts as much as I appreciate theirs. I've learned so much over the past year and a half of blogging. I rarely eat without snapping a pic of it. Just in case. I'm sure others out there understand... Like our lunch. Nothing special, but I still snapped a pic.

I hope you've enjoyed some of my favorite things...and maybe you'll share some of yours?
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