Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of you! I love Mexican food so much but hate to go out for it today because our usual restaurant that never has a wait to sit down becomes a complete zoo. So, of course, I decided on a special treat at home. I did have to do some planning because I wanted fresh tortillas and I hadn't yet gotten around to ordering a tortilla press. Up until now, please don't laugh or shake your head, I was rolling them out by hand. Let me tell you, that gets old really, really fast so I went back to buying them at the store. So ridiculous for something that has 3 ingredients, but it was what I did. No more. Tortilla press in hand, I made tortillas yesterday. If you don't know the recipe, it is ridiculously easy. 2 cups masa flour, 1 cup water, 1/4 t salt. Mix until soft dough forms and separate into 14 or so balls and press them into tortillas. Cook each tortilla on each side for about 3-5 minutes and you're done. I'm sure it could become more complicated if necessary for different flavors, etc, but that's what I went with. I stored them in the fridge overnight and went to work making plans to use them as deliciously as possible!
I decided that to top my tortilla shells, I would layer guacamole, pico de gallo, shredded chicken and cheese. Baking seemed like the easy choice for cooking, but then I spied the grill. I put the shells on a cookie sheet, layered the ingredients on top and put them in the grill until the cheese melted down and coated everything. It was a beautiful mess I couldn't wait to bit into!

But I did hold the hubby off long enough to snap a few pictures. And, finally, it was time to eat!! They really were delicious and small enough that you didn't feel badly at all about heading back for seconds. I only wish I'd had a margarita in my hand while I was eating it because it just felt like it deserved that kind of attention to detail.
I hope you are enjoying your day as much as we are here. We had a beautiful bike ride last night and then headed out to the trails for my first run since the "marathon incident" and the foot felt pretty darn good. I was excited! I wish my legs hadn't been so spent from the biking but there's always another day. Tonight's date night at a restaurant I've been dying to try so there's lots to look forward to...oh, and my new obsession with Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino will again be fed at "frappy hour" when the drinks are half price. I am not a frappucino person, instead usually opting for an espresso marked with foam but this drink is an awesome dessert!
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