Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Keeping the Goals in Check...

August is almost here and it's time I did a evaluation of where I am for my 2012 goals.  So, I will be as transparent as I possibly can be!

So, here is the list...

1. Run a marathon
2. Bike a century (hopefully this will happen on 5/12/12)  Done!
3. Do a triathlon, even if it's a small one
4. Run at least 1000 miles
5. Get 1000 followers on Homemade Served Here's facebook page
6. Learn how to really use our new camera :)  Done!
7. Expand my garden and get more berry bushes Can't wait to see the harvest!
8. Freeze/Can enough vegetables and fruits to get us through the entire winter, not just fall ;-)
9. Take a real vacation - maybe over Christmas - that may even require air travel.
10. Do agility training with Troop
11. Become completely debt free
12. Have an article published in a "real" magazine
13. Spend an entire day running ala this blog post from Kristin Armstrong   Done!
14. Make up for missing camping last year with Brieanna, Adrian and Noah by having a great camping trip in 2012!
15. Winefest 2012, baby!  Here's to Year #3 with the girls in OC!

Hmm....well.  I think I may have been just a BIT ambitious.

1. Run a Marathon - Well, I did try and run a marathon and only did the first loop.  But I am signed up again for another marathon, The Harrisburg Marathon on 11/11...so for now, we'll call this one doable.

2.  Bike a Century...did it!  It was hard, I thought I might die, but it's done and I am proud of it!

3. Do a Triathlon - I don't think this is going to happen.  I just haven't been able to work out the whole swimming part of it, but it will stay on my "someday" bucket list

4. Run at least 1000 miles - So far, I am at 561 for running.  So I'm halfway there!  I think it's doable, but the biking mileage is 522 so at least I can say I've done 1000 miles total.  :)  Not the same at all, but it sounds good.

5. Get 1000 followers on Homemade Served Here's facebook - I am at 560 so we're getting there!  I've got a few more months.

6. Learn how to really use my camera - did it!! I've done better food shots this year than last and I'm even branching out to action shots like cycling and running!

7. Expand my garden - I didn't as much as I'd hoped to but it definitely looks good!

8. Freeze/Can enough to get us through winter...well, we are eating so many more fruits and veggies this year that this will be hard.  Next year I will have to plan for this and plant more.

9. Take a real vacation - This remains to be seen whether or not it will happen.  Summer was a rough time on our budget so it might have to be shelved.

10. Do agility training with Troop - This may have to just be a "something I would love to do but I'm living in a dream thinking it will happen!"  He is still terrified of the car.  Makes it tough to do much of anything.  :(

11. Be completely debt free - Ha!  Summer made sure that didn't happen.  Ever lose 1/3 of your income for 4 months and have another 1/3 of your income be cut in half for the summer?  That was us this year with my daycare income.  Tight does not begin to describe how things have been. It will take us to next year just to get back on track.

12. Have an article published in a "real" magazine - I seriously have not worked on this like I should have.  Maybe I can at some point but it's something I don't have nearly enough focus for at the moment.

13. Spend an entire day running - I did it!  Troy and I spent a day in January just running trails, meeting for a snack and running some more.  I loved every single second of it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

14. Making up for missing camping?  Well, it's not happened yet but I guess we could still do it.  The burn ban is still on for our area so it makes it harder to want to head out to camp.  The campfire is the biggest part of the experience!

15. Winefest is scheduled and paid for so here's to hanging with the girls the end of September and enjoying some runs at the beach.  :)

So, looking over where I am and where I'm headed is a nice reminder of what needs done and what needs to be let go of.  I am done beating myself up for all the things that I'd hoped to accomplish that I know just aren't going to happen.  Instead, I will focus my energies on what I can handle, what I can work toward and make happen!  Life happening all around me is more important than hitting 15 goals in 12 months!  I thank God for all I have been given in 2012 and all that I've been able to accomplish.



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