So, me and my throbbing head hobble downstairs. "What's for breakfast?" the hubby asks. "Ugh. Mumble. Mumble," is my reply. " "Pancakes?" I ask. "Sure!" he says. And then, I remember. No eggs. No milk. Again, ugh. "We don't have to have pancakes," he says. But I'm already at the Ipad, searching for a vegan pancake recipe. I find one that says "Super Easy Vegan Pancakes" Yup, that about fits the bill for me. All I needed to hear. Guess what? They didn't lie. It was super easy and they were delicious. I even started to form complete thoughts in my head again.
[caption id="attachment_948" align="aligncenter" width="819"]

I didn't make any changes at all to the recipe except using whole wheat flour and with the addition of the blueberries. I was concerned with that much baking powder they might taste a bit off, but they were perfect.
[caption id="attachment_949" align="aligncenter" width="819"]

So, with a good start like that to my morning, I headed upstairs and changed to run ready to get this race over and done with. I know, not the best attitude but it's an upswing from loathing...
And, guess what? I felt like I conquered it! I shaved almost 2 minutes off my time! My first year running this 5k was in 2010 and I did it in 32:06. Last year I did 30:15. This year? 28:32. At this rate, I'll beat my 5K PR next year. :) But I felt stronger and faster than I've ever felt on those hills that beat you up on this course. And the heat just adds another layer of torment at this race. I do have to do a shout out to my AWESOME hubby who rocked this 5k with a time of 20:50! He placed first in his age group and 21st overall. I could not be more proud of him. He's the reason I get faster and stronger because he never lets me coast. He knows I want to get better and better and he always is reminding me that doesn't happen by taking the easy or comfortable way out. To get results, you need to get out of the comfort zone. I am amazed by everything he does - how hard he pushes himself and how seriously he takes his efforts. I am a better athlete with him around :)
So, I've shared my weekend morning with you...anything crazy going on in your world?
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