Thursday, July 26, 2012

German Chocolate Mug Cake

It seems that mug cakes are all the rage around my house these days.  And it's not a new concept...I made a hot chocolate mug cake that was amazing over the winter, and more recently, I made a Nutella one.  But for some reason, it's just now that we've really discovered how awesome and adaptable this quick dessert can be.  I blame it on the eggs - or rather the fact we are trying not to use them - because I am learning that mug cakes do not need eggs no matter what the recipe says.  And for a house that is working on eliminating animal products, that's a big deal to have our cake and eat it too.  Sorry, I couldn't resist that little cliched just fit too perfectly.

So, anyway...the hubby brought home some toasted coconut from work the other night.  And I love coconut.  It is one of my most favorite flavors in all of the world.  Hubby likes the flavor, but not the texture.  I've been able to work it into my granola recipes without him minding because there already is so much texture but that's it.  So to be able to make a mug cake all my own with a ton of this toasted coconut was like a dream come true.  Okay, okay, maybe a dream come true is a bit of a stretch, but I've been sick and stressed the past few days.  Allow me my simple pleasures.  :)

So, here's a glimpse of my dessert last night.  I took the smallest bites possible because I didn't want it to be gone.  This is another special part of the mug cake.  Once it's gone, if you want seconds, you have to make another cake.  It's alot more thought that goes into making another cake vs having another slice of cake.  So if you're trying to cut back on calories or your sweets, mug cakes are an easy way to portion control.

I made this as healthy as possible, but in the end, it is still a cake.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!

German Chocolate Mug Cake


  • 1 T cocoa

  • 1/4 c wheat flour

  • 1 T coconut oil, melted

  • 1/4 t salt

  • 2 t baking powder

  • 1-2 T toasted coconut, plus some for topping

  • 2 T chocolate chips (I used carob.  I probably won't put that much in again.  It was a little sweet.)

  • 1/8 or a bit more of almond milk.  Batter should be smooth not runny


  1. Mix cocoa, flour, salt, baking powder, and toasted coconut in a medium to large mug.

  2. Add coconut oil and almond milk and mix until smooth.

  3. Add chips if you're using them. Top mixture with more toasted coconut.

  4. Microwave for about 45 seconds to a minute

  5. Let cool and enjoy!

Hope you enjoy my little treat as much as I did!


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