Monday, August 22, 2011

Okay, so this was my first tag from another blog so thanks to Chic Gorgeous for making me smile! And here I am faced with sorting through my little blog's posts to make this a great list...  Well, here goes...

1. The Most Beautiful Post
So, if I have to choose it would by my Yellow Tomato Jam post.   I just thought this was the prettiest color of jam and being outside the light just hit it perfectly. 

2. The Most Popular Post
I don't have a lot of comments, but the post that I have gotten the most feedback on was my post that included a picture of homemade tomato soup and cheese crackers.  It seemed like everyone was loving that!  

3. The Most Controversial Post
Hmm...not much controversy here.  But I would say that My Eclairs post was the least homemade and least fitting into my blog's purpose, so that makes it a bit controversial.  Yummy but not entirely homemade. 

4. The Most Helpful Post
This was an easy pick!  My Oatmeal Bread Tutorial  really gave a good overview of breadmaking my way and I know several friends have tried it using those instructions and been successful. 

5. Post That Was Surprisingly Successful
Lunch Awesomeness  was really a creative use of leftovers but people really liked it!!  It goes to show that you can't plan everything!! 

6. Post That Did Not Get The Attention It Deserved
I really thought my Brownie Peanut Butter Cheesecake Muffins would have been a more popular post.  Maybe I should have shortened the name and made it catchier.  :-)

7. Post You're Most Proud Of
My first step by step post I'm most proud of.  I know my photography isn't up to par - not that any of mine are fantastic but I'm getting there  - but it really shows my thought process and "me" in it.  Baking Mood  is just how I do things...I go with my feelings and try and share it too. 

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