Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lunch Awesomeness!

Okay, so awesomeness may not really be a word.  But I have no other words to describe what I ate for lunch.  It was simple, but amazing, two things I love in food!  I had some leftover ground turkey breast from dinner last night and since it is one of the few meats I actually like, I wanted to use it in something special.  What better way to showcase my tomato jam from yesterday than to put them together?  So, I decided on a creamy version of sloppy joe, with goat cheese as the binder for the meat with just a little salt and pepper because I really wanted the jam to be the star.  And it was.  Oh my...I never wanted my little sandwich to be done! 

So, I used a fresh roll from yesterday, scooped out the bottom a little to hold my "sloppy joe" mix, added some spinach, lots of tomato jam and had the yummiest lunch in a long time!  I'm still debating whether to make another one...trying hard to resist!


  1. What a great use of leftover! This sounds like a great sandwich!

  2. Thanks for the tag...I will have to work on my post! And thanks for the feedback...I will admit that I had another one for dinner while the rest of the family had burgers. :)
