Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

I am really not trying to neglect my blog!  The past 7 days have just been so insane that at times I feel like I'm spinning in circles.  But I have been cooking, and thinking about blogging....does that count?  Either way, I have some good ideas spinning around in my head that I'm working on trying to get transferred from in my head onto my blog. 

The weather has changed a bit here, and I can just feel fall coming on!  I love fall cooking - the spices, the pumpkin, the pumpkin, and, oh, did I mention pumpkin!!  Last year our neighbor share a gooseneck pumpkin and I cooked it down and used in my faux Starbucks Pumpkin scones and it was wonderful.  I am hoping to find some on my own this year, as his was a leftover from making pumpkin ale, and I'm not sure if he's repeating that or not this year.  Canned pumpkin will work of course, but fresh cooked pumpkin really added a sweetness and texture that I liked.  A lot.  Maybe a bit too much! 

So, I'm off to get some more to-do's checked off of my list before the little munchkins get up from nap.  But I'll be back here soon, and hopefully ready to share some pics and recipes!


  1. Sheri....sometimes life gets hectic and you need a little 'break-ation' from blogging! And I'm looking to fall cooking and baking, too...because of the pumpkin! : )

  2. A pumpkin fan and a dessert addict? We're a little too alike I think!! :) But seriously, fall is ALL about the pumpkin for me. I'd eat it with every meal if possible. And I can't wait til the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks makes it's appearance. That is my "first sign of fall" for sure!!
