I am on my fourth batch of homemade almond milk and I am in heaven! I love the taste. It has a much more pronounced almond flavor than store bought and it has a crispness to it that I am loving! My vitamix makes it so much better than my old blender did, and I rationalize it's purchase so much with the reminder that things like this chip away at the cost little by little in savings both in lessened processing and chemicals, as well as cost. But one part of the process really had me baffled. What do I do with all of that wonderful almond meal left over? I read recipes and discarded them one by one until finally I came upon a
Chocolate Craisin cookie from Spicie Foodie. Since I am a sucker for sweets, I had to give this one a try! I did leave out the craisins because I wanted to experiment with something that maybe the daycare kiddos would eat, as well as hoping this could be something I could use on a long run for carb and protein refueling. And they were pretty good.

I had to wash one down with some fresh almond milk too, and what a delicious combination that was!! I wish my photo had gotten a better view of the cookies, but they were a nice texture. Not too fluffy, not too dense and I think definitely a chewable texture to eat on the run, literally. :-) Next time, I might include the craisins, or at least raisins and I'm thinking of swapping out the ap flour for oat flour and make it more of an oatmeal cookie. It could even be a raw cookie that way too. So many possibilities!
just found you from lil suburban homestead. like you blog and facebook, im just getting started and trying to figure out how to add a like badge to my blog and build both locations. If you can give me any advise please email me. I love your blog, and im all about homemade anything,,,,visit me soon. Thanks Sheryl