Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DIY Dishwasher Soap Packets and some other Wednesday ramblings...

I have become obsessed with making just about everything I can in my life.  I want it all homemade, and I want it done now!  Well, that's not entirely true.  I want it done along with everything else I need to get caught up on.  But I realized we were getting to the point in my stock of dishwasher packets that we'd be needing some soon and I wanted to give Lady with the Red Rocker's recipe a try before it was crunch time!

It really was super easy.

1 cup of borax

1 cup super washing soda

1/2 cup salt

1/2 cup citric acid - I used the canning type, Lady with the Red Rocker uses lemishine

Mix all of that together and then start to spray ingredients with water, mixing in between sprays until the mixture holds a shape when pressed.  Then press into a wax paper lined muffin tin.

I did the muffin tin, still had mixture, filled up a play ice cube tray from the daycare crafts bin and still had more and then used the bottom of two dozen egg cartons.  All in all, it made 56 packets.

They're hardening now and I did use one this afternoon before hard just as a test.  And it worked well.  Well, I guess it did because the ONE time I don't want the boy to empty the dishwasher, he does.  So I have no idea of how they looked when the came out of the dishwasher.  But I don't see any dirty dishes in my cupboard so I think all is well.  :)

I love the fact that I'm making that many packets for about 8% of the price of what I've been paying.  That is some serious cash savings.  Even the hubby was impressed with that sort of math.

What's next on our homemade adventures? I think I hear buzzing...  Yes, we're headed to a beekeeping workshop Saturday morning and are hoping to bring home our very own hive.  I am so excited! Maybe next year we'll have our own honey.  I've also ordered a rain barrel that the conservation district was selling as part of the annual fundraiser so that will be our next project outside and will provide the water for the gardens hopefully.

And we have one more laundry detergent container to use up before I tackle making laundry soap, so I've got some time before that's homemade.  I did make a cake magic.  It's just as good as I remembered from our last time making it.

But, for now, I'm headed off screen to catch up on some rest.  Good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your adventures in homemade. So much I have wanted to do but living in Korea has not made it feasible. Soon we will be back in the states though and I going to be making my own laundry soap. I'll have to try this dishwasher soap too!
