Thursday, March 8, 2012

Almond Joy Protein Bites

I love Larabars.  They are one of my favorite snacks before, after or even during a run and a sometimes meal replacement if I am in a hurry.  I have made my own versions in the past but started getting just a little lazy and slowly started buying them again.  But now that I have all of this almond meal laying around, it seems silly to work at finding a use for it, when I have something that I could be using it for that I love instead of paying those ridiculous prices in the store.  So, I thought and thought, checked out some recipes, and this is what I came up with...

They are so yummy and in single bite servings!  Yay for my new running fuel.  :)  But these could be used for anyone who wants a protein-filled energy boost at any time, not just for running, so give them a try.  You will think you're making candy when the smell of an almond joy wafts up from the food processor and the taste doesn't disappoint the senses!

Almond Joy Protein Bites

2 cups pitted dates

1 1/2 cups ground and peeled almonds (although unpeeled almonds would work also, it's just not what I used)

2 T melted coconut oil

1 large scoop of chocolate protein powder

1-2 T water or if you were wanting a caffeine boost, you could add coffee as well and it would serve double duty to also enhance the chocolate flavor.

Put all of the above ingredients except liquid into a food processor and pulse until well mixed and then add water slowly one tablespoon at a time because you might not need all of it.  Keep pulsing until mixture is sticking together and looks consistent.  Then form into balls and put on wax paper.  Pressing into a rectangle and cutting bars would work as well.  Your choice.  :)

I can't wait to give these a try out on the trails this weekend.  No chocolate chips to melt everywhere but still a chocolate bar.  Sounds like perfection!

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