Let me count the ways.
1. You are the best almond milk maker I've ever known. It's the perfect texture each and every time. I don't even remember that other blender...
2. My morning smoothies are always smooth, not grainy or gritty, with no spinach leaf pieces to get caught in my teeth.
3. My teenage son is eating more fruit than he ever has because you make such awesome smoothies. Now if we could only trick him with the veggies...
4. My morning mocha cappucino is so much easier when I pour all the ingredients in and let you do all the frothing, heating and mixing. Heavenly.
5. Soup? No problem. Again, pour it in, let you do the work. The tomato cheddar soup last week? Awesome!
6. You are quickly replacing the food processor. Thanks for taking over the butter making task last week and showing the food processor how it's supposed to be done.
7. Ice cream too? Seriously. I don't know how I can thank you. That blueberry ice cream recipe was just the ticket.
8. Every day you find a new way to surprise me. Yesterday I discovered
The Vitamix Lady and she has given me even more ideas. I know you're up to the challenge!
9. You are easy to clean, no matter what torture I put you through. Dash of soap, some water, blend and voila, perfect!
10. I am healthier since you came into my life.
Think I'm being dramatic? I seriously am not. The only other appliance in my kitchen that comes close to this much use is my breadmaker. I had been hankering for a new ring for Valentine's Day/my birthday but then returned to my usual practical self and asked for this instead. Wow...if I only had known how much of an impact it would make on my life, I wouldn't have hesitated one bit. Yes, it's pricey, $450 seems like A LOT of money for a blender but seriously, I could probably trash about 1/2 the appliances in my kitchen and just have this and it would be okay. And I never have to buy almond milk again which is quite a bit cost savings. My almond milk costs about $1.50 a half gallon versus $3.09 in the store. And we go through 2-3 a week. And mine isn't processed through a factory with added stabilizers, etc.
But even all the actual cost savings aside, it is really changing my health. I was having all kinds of nausea and digestive issues and then after getting this and committing to at least one green smoothie a day, I haven't had any nausea episodes in over 2 weeks, and before that, they were already dramatically decreasing with the extra greens, veggies and fruits I was getting. I feel 100% better and I was feeling pretty good to begin with!
So, this is my love letter to my Vitamix, thanking it for coming into my life and making such a big difference.
Green Smoothie Recipe (my favorite version!)
Big Handful spinach, kale, chard - whatever you've got on hand. 2 cups at least
1/2 frozen banana
1 T powdered peanut butter
1/4 cup frozen mango
1 scoop ground chia seeds
1 scoop green powder (I've been using Garden of Life Perfect Food but your choice)
1/2 scoop ground flax seeds
1/2 cup almond milk
1 cup cold water
Blend until smooth.