I made two loaves of bread yesterday just experimenting. The first was a colossal failure and we now enough whole wheat breadcrumbs to last us for quite awhile. But the second loaf? True perfection. I was in awe of how beautiful the loaf was as I started to cut it. And inside was just as nice. Perfect texture! I couldn't wait to make another loaf and make sure it wasn't a fluke. It wasn't!!! I can't convey through this post just how happy I was.

So, would you like me to share this awesome recipe I have come up with? Yes? Ok, here goes..
1 1/2 c hot water
2 3/4 c whole wheat flour
1 c bread flour
1 T salt
2 T butter, melted
3 T honey
1 T gluten
3 t instant yeast
I used my Z bread machine on the dough cycle, put all of the ingredients in the order suggested - wet first, then flour and then yeast on top - and started the machine. After the first rise, the cycle was over so I put the dough into a loaf pan for the second rise in a warm spot of the kitchen. Once it was about an inch over the pan, about 35 minutes later, I put it into the oven preheated to 375 for about 25 minutes. I watched it carefully for the final few minutes to be sure it didn't burn since it was the first time. I tapped on it to be sure it sounded hollow before taking it out to rest.
And then, I just enjoyed it!
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