Saturday, June 30, 2012

Peanut Butter Multigrain Granola

Granola is a staple in our house.  We eat it plain, as cereal, as an ice cream topping.  You name it, we've tried it.  But, for some reason I've never made it.  We buy it in bulk usually, occasionally getting a bag of it here and there from Nuts About Granola but we go through so much of it that it is an expensive staple.  I decided to change that.  I made up my mind that I was going to make it and that was just that.

[caption id="attachment_928" align="aligncenter" width="819"] One of my favorite breakfasts...a cut up banana, some granola sprinkled over it and topped with some homemade almond milk. Great start to a day![/caption]

Wow.  I can't believe I have BOUGHT something for so long that literally took about 15 minutes start to finish and is so completely awesome tasting.

I went to a few blogs and recipe sites, trying to find at least a framework for what I was thinking of and settled on this recipe for Peanut Butter Granola from Hillbilly Housewife. I made a few of my own tweaks and added in some extras to make it what I was looking for, but it was a great start.

[caption id="attachment_929" align="aligncenter" width="819"] My delicious Peanut Butter Granola. Okay, so I'll share but it might take some convincing![/caption]

Peanut Butter Granola

adapted from Hillbilly Housewife


  • 2 T sesame oil (or any lightly flavored oil)

  • 1/3 c crunchy organic peanut butter

  • 1/3 c honey

  • 1/2 t vanilla

  • 1/4 t salt

  • 2 3/4 c rolled oats

  • 2 T quinoa, toasted

  • 2 T flax seeds

  • 2 T chia seeds

  • 2 T sesame seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 375.

  2. Over low heat, mix peanut butter, honey and oil until well blended.

  3. Mix all remaining ingredients except vanilla,  in a separate bowl.

  4. Add vanilla just before mixing the peanut butter mixture into dry ingredients.

  5. Mix ingredients until all dry is incorporated.  If mixture is too wet, add a T at a time of rolled oats.  This will depend on how many additional seeds and nuts you add.

  6. Turn mixture out onto an ungreased cookie sheet and cook for about 7 minutes.

  7. Remove pan, turn mixture over a bit and then put back in oven for about 5 minutes.

  8. Let granola cool in pan, and then remove to an airtight, dry container.  I used a recycled 32 oz yogurt container and it was the perfect size.

Notes:  Any combination of seeds, grains and oats will do.  It should be about 3 cups of dry ingredients to set properly.



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