Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have to Put One Foot in Front of the Other. And Repeat. And Repeat Again.

I mean, if you don't, there's no progress, no forward motion at all and you're just standing there, looking around wondering what the heck is next but yet you're not doing anything to change it.  I know.  I've been there.  Sometimes I'm there every day.  But, usually, I can push myself to move forward until my mind gets a little clearer, the stress seems to lessen, and things are looking ever so slightly more positive.  I'm not sure why life has to be difficult sometimes, but it gets that way, and the best we can do is put our best game face on and hit it head on, never faltering or looking back.  Yes, yes, I look back too and the coulda, shoulda, wouldas get the best of me sometimes but I try not to stay there too long.  I start to look around to find something, ANYTHING, to be thankful for and to praise God for his goodness in my life, and it helps.  It seems like such a small thing but it's that small flip of a switch in my brain that gets me moving again.  People are mean, selfish and petty but people are also kind, generous and loving - it's just easier to focus on the negative stuff.  I know I do it sometimes and then their negativity washes over me and starts coloring my view of the world.  But that's a choice that I'm making, to allow that to be a part of me in that moment, and that's not the best choice to make.  I'm most thankful that God doesn't treat me the way I treat him far too often. He never ignores me, forgets about me or puts his own thoughts and interests ahead of me.  He is always there.  I need to stop taking that for granted, for there would be no homemade life to love without him in it.

Yes, this is one of those introspective, mushy, feeling filled posts.  It's just where I am and what I feel needs shared at this moment.  And I hope that someone out there is touched by it.  If that's not you, understood, and feel free to move along until I talk about yummy food or the things that I create in our home.  I understand.  But if you are touched by it, I'm grateful to have had the chance to write these words.  None of us are alone in this journey through life, even when it feels that way.  Life was never meant to be a solo trip.  I'm blessed that for every negative person in my life, I've got a handful to balance it out with unbounding optimism.  My husband and my friends are the absolute best in the world, and I am so, so thankful for them! So, for whoever needed that pick me up this morning, remember one foot at a time in front of the other.  And stay as positive as you can be - even when you don't feel it.  It'll come.  :)

So....on to my positive post for the!!

I started to write a new post based on a blog party I saw at momdotcom, saying 5 things you would learn about me if you came to my house, or something along those lines.  But then, I thought, that's not really how I do things.  My house is my house.  I don't know that there is anything you would learn about me by coming to my house that you don't already know about me through my blog.  Is there?

I mean, the hubby and I have an extensive running & biking shoe/gear this news?

Nah, I didn't think so.

How about the fact that I have 3 spoiled rotten dogs who destroy my house at every turn?

Again, not news. My house is a dog disaster.

Did you know that Vegan Vittles is my new FAVORITE cookbook????

Oh, you did?  Well, geesh.  What is it that I can share about my house that would tell you something new about me????

Wait....did you know I do child care from my home?

You knew that too?

Well, that confirms it.  I share WAY too much on my blog.  :)  Our little homemade life is an open book apparently.  But, I'm glad to share with all of you.  Living our life in a homemade way doesn't make us crazy or make our house look any different from tons of other houses out there.  It's just a way of life - a way of looking at things with a different perspective and searching for something with more substance whenever possible.  We try to reuse and recycle whenever possible, and try to lessen our dependence on the corporations that tell us we need the newest whatever to be happier, more successful, whatever.  We just don't buy that line anymore, and we try not to buy the products as much either.

So, what does your house say about you?  Or, more importantly, what do you say about you???

Enjoy your day!


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