I love when Sunday evening comes and I just wish I could stop time because the days were so wonderful. Not like the kind of do-over you want because the day sucked, but the good kind. This weekend was like that. I love when the weekend comes and I can just relax, enjoy time with the hubby and remind myself of what is important in my life. I have been so blessed in my life and I do lose sight of that amidst the busyness of working, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc. So, spending time enjoying things that we love is always welcome!
We've had thunderstorms just about daily here. I love that the garden is getting watered regularly, and it's not me doing it but still. I want to be able to reliably plan a bike ride or a run and know that I will stay safe doing it! But, I'll take what I can get... Saturday morning was spent doing something that I completely love doing - photography. And, the plus side of hanging out with friends and the hubby is a HUGE bonus! A friend, Sean, invited us to a Cyclocross Clinic. Now, I have had the chance to go to a few bike crits this year and take pics, but this was my first time even getting to see what cyclocross is. Let me explain this in simple terms...you are expected to bike in the grass, hop off the bike and over obstacles while HOLDING your bike and then hop back on again and start racing again. Whew. I was impressed watching our friends out there who race cyclocross do the drills and make it look way, way too easy! Like our friend, Will...

And here's Evans showing off a bit :)

And here is my personal favorite picture from the whole day...

There's just something about the layers, the angles, something that I love about this. I try to create an image in my mind as I snap the photo and this one just came to life. I love when that happens!!
And, just to give you an idea of what our morning looked like...

How can a weekend be bad when your Saturday morning looks like this?? It just can't. I was glad to be out there and supporting a great cause for the 1st Annual Jonathan Gantz Memorial Cyclocross Clinic. I had the chance to meet and talk with Jonathan's mom years ago at a YAMBA picnic when my hubby was just starting out in mountain biking and I was privileged to again have the chance to chat with her Saturday. What a feeling it has to be to see your son's memory honored is such a special way and I was glad to be there and be a small part of it. I hope the pictures help you feel like you got to share in our day too! I have been talking about trying to branch out and do some photography professionally. I never want to lose my passion for doing it though, so I'm not sure I'm ready to try and make that leap yet. But I'm getting there....
Then, I came home and worked on the new craft/dog room/office. It is designed to be a multipurpose room where the dog bed will stay, my sewing machine will finally find a home and storage galore abounds with a place for paint, brushes, fabric...you name it! It is coming along nicely, and once all the finishing touches find their way onto the walls or in the permanent homes, I can't wait to share it with you. I will say that my first project, a canvas dog bed cover made out of a drop cloth turned out better than I would have hoped! I am going to be making pillows to match and putting each dog's name on them. I know, it seems a little silly, but that canvas is a bit bland colored and the lettering will brighten it up. But, first, it's back to Lowe's for another drop cloth so they match. Having three dogs means they need a big space to sleep, so they share a twin bed that I have sitting on the floor on a boxspring. It's the best solution we've found...
Dinner was completely awesome!! I was back to the Vegan Vittles cookbook and found a recipe for Southern Fried Tofu. Skeptical? I was too until I tried it. It was delicious!!!

We had it with a honey mustard dipping sauce, baked potato fries and mixed veggies. It really was like a southern fried type of meal. Maybe we should have made some hushpuppies? Why am I just NOW thinking of that?? I love hushpuppies so I don't usually need much of an excuse to make them. We did round out the dinner with a vegan chocolate cake also from the cookbook. I wish I could share these recipes but I don't think it's right since they're not my own creations so please, please forgive me for sharing all our yumminess and not telling your how to make it! I will say that chocolate cake was interesting. It used a reaction between baking soda and vinegar to rise instead of the usual eggs, etc in cake. It was still pretty darn tasty too. (How do I not have a picture of the cake?) I guess we were too busy eating it. Oops.
Finally, this morning we woke to clear skies and no rain until late afternoon so we headed out to do a 23 miler on the bikes. While out there, we encountered a few more rude people than normal, which was a shame for such a beautiful day. But we carried on, headed home and decided to head back out and do our run that had been scheduled for today. I always forget how wooden the legs feel running after biking. My ambitious plan of 6 miles was cut to 3 and I was still pretty pleased with that! The puppy was glad we cut the run short too...he was hot by the end and kept stopping. I kept him hydrated, but all he wanted to do was rest in the grass. We made it home and he was thankful!
Lunch was some delicious burrito bowls that I whipped up quick since we were starving and then we finished off that awesome chocolate cake. I even got the hubby to head out with me to the craft store to try and find some organizing stuff for my thread, etc. But I did agree to walk around the car lots with him. We love doing that on Sundays. Its fun to look at what's out, and just spend some time talking and walking. Good thing we did it then because an hour later it was pouring. :)
I won't say that I'm always as thankful or as positive as I should be, but I try, and I think that's pretty important. Always remember to be kind to yourself. I forget to do that sometimes and I get down on all that I think I should be but I'm lucky to have a hubby who reminds me of all that I am and makes me feel like I can do anything. And you can too! Never forget how fabulous and special you are.