So, it's just a few days away from my 41st year. I know, forty is the big 4-0 but I keep thinking, well, I am now IN my forties. That just seems different - not at all in a bad way though because I am not one of those people to get caught up on age and aging and all that stuff. I just try to keep moving forward and embrace whatever lies ahead.
I have enjoyed pushing my body to run, bike, hike and enjoy just being fit over the past 12 months. I am celebrating the fact that in my forties I am the fittest I have ever been, except maybe as a young child. Certainly since middle school on. I enjoy being active and being outdoors and it is amazing to me that just six years ago that wasn't the case. I was eating junk, feeding junk to my family and my daycare kids, not exercising other than the occasional walk and was always unhappy, feeling overwhelmed and anxious and just blah. I don't even recognize that life or that person any more. People sometimes ask what got me started on my journey and I don't really know. I know that I was unhappy. I know that I wanted a change but I'd tried so many diets, fads and thought that how I was was who I was destined to be. Now I know that was an excuse I was giving myself. I was destined to be whatever I was because of my own choices.
So, I started making better choices, little by little and then about a year or so ago, my choices got bigger and bigger to make me who I am today. I can't even stomach processed food - my body literally rejects it and I know that the food choices I make affect more than me, more than my family even. I choose to vote on what is important by giving my food dollars to companies that support what I believe in. Yes, it means things may cost more sometimes, but that is a choice I am making and I will continue to make.
So, it was in my thirties that I started making these changes but I will be living them through my forties, fifties, and on and on as long as God has it planned for me to be on this Earth. I am welcoming my first grandchild this year (I know you will all be SICK of hearing about that!) and I want to be an active grandma; one who can keep up with him or her and enjoy and embrace every second. I want to be the mom to my kids that helps through these adult years of change. I am ready for that next phase. And I am excited to be a wife to a husband who shares my love of being outdoors. I am ready for us to be empty-nesters, running all over the place, finding new trails and new adventures all the way together.
Being 41 to me means having more wisdom, more understanding and more of the ability to stand up for what I believe in, because I know who I am better than ever before. This year has been one with some changes and obstacles I didn't expect but I know that all things happen for a reason and God is directing my path. I trust where I'm headed and I know that, 41, although just a number, will still be a glorious year!
This blog was started as a way to chronicle my love of cooking, decorating and all things homemade and has grown to include my love of all things nut butter. Enjoy recipes with and without our nut butters and all things of our life. We're so glad you're here and part of our BSNB family!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Dessert is My Favorite Meal
So, I know, dessert is not *really* a meal. But I love it as if it was. I made some mini cheesecakes the other night and they were one of my most, most favorite things of all that I've created in awhile. I think I say that a lot but I mean each and every time. I promise I do.

Doesn't it look delicious?? And it was super easy.
Mini Apple Spice Cheesecake (makes 4 souffle cup sized)
First, be sure to soften your cream cheese. I use the organic variety but you can use any kind you prefer.
Preheat the oven to 350
Ingredients for crust and topping:
Ingredients for filling:
These really did hit the spot on a very chilly evening. I am enjoying finding all kinds of new small serving dessert recipes since it's usually me and the hubby at home in the evening. If I make a whole cake, I'll eat a whole cake within a few days. Not a good move.
The day I made these cheesecakes, I also got some exciting news. I am going to be a grandmother for the first time. My daughter and her fiancee are expecting a little one this fall. I am over the moon with excitement. I was already scoping out Grandma & Grandpa themed gifts...this is going to be one SPOILED grandbaby! I'm secretly hoping for a girl, but I will love him or her no matter what. I still can't believe that my baby girl is having a baby. So, forgive me in advance if I just go on and on about baby stuff. It's a little on the brain.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It's calling for some not so nice weather (glad I'm not doing my 50K) and the hubby and are trying to figure out what we're going to do all weekend. I'm sure we'll find somewhere to run or hike...
Have a great day!

Doesn't it look delicious?? And it was super easy.
Mini Apple Spice Cheesecake (makes 4 souffle cup sized)
First, be sure to soften your cream cheese. I use the organic variety but you can use any kind you prefer.
Preheat the oven to 350
Ingredients for crust and topping:
- 1 cup ap flour
- 1/2 c sugar
- 3/4 tsp five spice powder
- 1/2 c quick oats
- 1/4 c butter
Ingredients for filling:
- 1 apple; cored, peeled and diced (microwave once diced for a minute to soften)
- 8 oz softened cream cheese
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 t vanilla
- Mix all dry ingredients for filling/crust and cut butter into mixture either with a pastry blender or with food processor
- Press half into 4 cups and set aside
- Mix sugar and cream cheese until fluffy.
- Add egg and vanilla and mix well.
- Divide filling between the 4 cups and top with cooked apples.
- Divide remaining crust mixture on top of the apples and filling and gently press down.
- Bake at 350 for about 18-20 minutes
These really did hit the spot on a very chilly evening. I am enjoying finding all kinds of new small serving dessert recipes since it's usually me and the hubby at home in the evening. If I make a whole cake, I'll eat a whole cake within a few days. Not a good move.
The day I made these cheesecakes, I also got some exciting news. I am going to be a grandmother for the first time. My daughter and her fiancee are expecting a little one this fall. I am over the moon with excitement. I was already scoping out Grandma & Grandpa themed gifts...this is going to be one SPOILED grandbaby! I'm secretly hoping for a girl, but I will love him or her no matter what. I still can't believe that my baby girl is having a baby. So, forgive me in advance if I just go on and on about baby stuff. It's a little on the brain.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It's calling for some not so nice weather (glad I'm not doing my 50K) and the hubby and are trying to figure out what we're going to do all weekend. I'm sure we'll find somewhere to run or hike...
Have a great day!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Just an Update...
What a week. I can't believe it's almost time to start another one already!
I've gotten all of the boy's college paperwork done and it just seems so final. He's going to go away in a few months. The time just goes so quickly. He turns 18 next month and I don't think it seems possible that he was just my little boy, coming to cuddle up on my lap dressed like Steve from Blue's Clues, or a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle, or whatever was his favorite that week. All those years can't possibly have flown by already. But, indeed, they have. Now I have a boy that towers about 6 inches above me and I barely know when he'll be here next between work and basketball. In spite of my fears of how much I'll miss him, I am excited for him and all of the changes that lie ahead in his life. So much excitement and he's so much better prepared for it all. I hope that he knows so much more than I did when I left my parent's house!
Last week, I made a big decision not to run the Hashawa Hills 50k. It was the right choice. I felt a bit like I was wimping out but at the same time, I am trying to listen to my body more and to know what it needs above all else. And I needed some rest. My knees just healed up from all of my falls leading up to and during the Squirrely Tail Twail Half Marathon. Add that to the cold forecast for next weekend and I just had to rethink it. And, by withdrawing early, I gave someone a shot at moving up from the waiting list, so the decision had to be made. It's funny that as I get older I become so sure of myself in some areas of my life, but in others I am just the same me I've always been...second guessing, wondering if this was the right choice, etc, etc and I have to admit that I feel pressure looking at the people around me and what I feel like their expectations of me are. But, I am trying to keep in tune with the changes I wanted to keep in 2013. Being more concerned about enjoying each run, and living through the life I want to be living are more important than what anyone else may think of me dropping out of the ultra, or even if I decide not to run one. Ever. I love running, I love working out and I love my life as is. So I'm going to go with that for awhile and let everything else sort itself out. Other people come and go, but I'm stuck with me. :)
I did however sign up to do a color run with my friend, Michele, in May. This is an untimed 5k run that seems to revolve around getting as covered in colored powder as possible. Not my usual type of event but I'm in. I am looking forward to it a lot! I am so thankful for all of my wonderful running friends. They have been the most awesome listeners, cheerleaders, therapists and coaches I could ever, ever ask for. Running with my friends makes everything better!! I do more than I think I can do, push my pace harder than I do alone and just all around am better at being me when I have time with them. So thank you to all of you. Big hugs.
Next week I am doing something extra super special and I cannot wait at all!! It's my 41st birthday and I am going to Hershey Spa with my friends Lisa and Jess. It has been years since I've been there and I am so excited that I've been counting the days since we made the appointments in January. Being pampered and spending time with them will be an amazing way to spend a day. Then I'm off for a long weekend with the hubby and we aren't sure what we're doing yet, but it will be nice to have a long weekend with him. :)
Today we spent a few chilly hours out hiking with the dogs. It was so cold my water bottle froze up! But it was still a fun way to spend a few hours and it gave his knee a bit of a rest. He's been on a running hiatus since Thursday and I don't know how much longer I can hold him off. I took this weekend off of running and instead have been enjoying some yoga and some nice relaxation. Yesterday was spent fighting a migraine most of the evening so rest was necessary.
And I've been cooking, cooking and even more cooking. But I've not been taking pictures. Hmm. I'm sorry. I do try and snap a shot with my phone and send to the facebook page as much as I can. We had bananas foster type french toast this morning, followed by a pretzel stromboli for lunch/dinner. I have to admit that's one of my new favorite meals. I think this week is going to warm meals and soups because it has been so cold! I can't wait for spring and all of the spring thaw and lettuces and early veggies that will soon be here. I'm not sure how much planting I'll do beyond that since we won't be home so much of July. I know that we'd lose a lot of things to weeds and dry conditions if we weren't here to manage them. But we'll see. I just hope we can get blueberries still.
So, what does your week look like...any new updates with any of you? I'm off to make a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter filling for the hubby while he's napping before work. Just for him. Not me. At all. If you believe that... ;-)
I've gotten all of the boy's college paperwork done and it just seems so final. He's going to go away in a few months. The time just goes so quickly. He turns 18 next month and I don't think it seems possible that he was just my little boy, coming to cuddle up on my lap dressed like Steve from Blue's Clues, or a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle, or whatever was his favorite that week. All those years can't possibly have flown by already. But, indeed, they have. Now I have a boy that towers about 6 inches above me and I barely know when he'll be here next between work and basketball. In spite of my fears of how much I'll miss him, I am excited for him and all of the changes that lie ahead in his life. So much excitement and he's so much better prepared for it all. I hope that he knows so much more than I did when I left my parent's house!
Last week, I made a big decision not to run the Hashawa Hills 50k. It was the right choice. I felt a bit like I was wimping out but at the same time, I am trying to listen to my body more and to know what it needs above all else. And I needed some rest. My knees just healed up from all of my falls leading up to and during the Squirrely Tail Twail Half Marathon. Add that to the cold forecast for next weekend and I just had to rethink it. And, by withdrawing early, I gave someone a shot at moving up from the waiting list, so the decision had to be made. It's funny that as I get older I become so sure of myself in some areas of my life, but in others I am just the same me I've always been...second guessing, wondering if this was the right choice, etc, etc and I have to admit that I feel pressure looking at the people around me and what I feel like their expectations of me are. But, I am trying to keep in tune with the changes I wanted to keep in 2013. Being more concerned about enjoying each run, and living through the life I want to be living are more important than what anyone else may think of me dropping out of the ultra, or even if I decide not to run one. Ever. I love running, I love working out and I love my life as is. So I'm going to go with that for awhile and let everything else sort itself out. Other people come and go, but I'm stuck with me. :)
I did however sign up to do a color run with my friend, Michele, in May. This is an untimed 5k run that seems to revolve around getting as covered in colored powder as possible. Not my usual type of event but I'm in. I am looking forward to it a lot! I am so thankful for all of my wonderful running friends. They have been the most awesome listeners, cheerleaders, therapists and coaches I could ever, ever ask for. Running with my friends makes everything better!! I do more than I think I can do, push my pace harder than I do alone and just all around am better at being me when I have time with them. So thank you to all of you. Big hugs.
Next week I am doing something extra super special and I cannot wait at all!! It's my 41st birthday and I am going to Hershey Spa with my friends Lisa and Jess. It has been years since I've been there and I am so excited that I've been counting the days since we made the appointments in January. Being pampered and spending time with them will be an amazing way to spend a day. Then I'm off for a long weekend with the hubby and we aren't sure what we're doing yet, but it will be nice to have a long weekend with him. :)
Today we spent a few chilly hours out hiking with the dogs. It was so cold my water bottle froze up! But it was still a fun way to spend a few hours and it gave his knee a bit of a rest. He's been on a running hiatus since Thursday and I don't know how much longer I can hold him off. I took this weekend off of running and instead have been enjoying some yoga and some nice relaxation. Yesterday was spent fighting a migraine most of the evening so rest was necessary.
And I've been cooking, cooking and even more cooking. But I've not been taking pictures. Hmm. I'm sorry. I do try and snap a shot with my phone and send to the facebook page as much as I can. We had bananas foster type french toast this morning, followed by a pretzel stromboli for lunch/dinner. I have to admit that's one of my new favorite meals. I think this week is going to warm meals and soups because it has been so cold! I can't wait for spring and all of the spring thaw and lettuces and early veggies that will soon be here. I'm not sure how much planting I'll do beyond that since we won't be home so much of July. I know that we'd lose a lot of things to weeds and dry conditions if we weren't here to manage them. But we'll see. I just hope we can get blueberries still.
So, what does your week look like...any new updates with any of you? I'm off to make a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter filling for the hubby while he's napping before work. Just for him. Not me. At all. If you believe that... ;-)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A Contented Sigh
I had one of those days today that all other days just strive to live up to. It was a GREAT day. Beautiful sunshine, started the day running with my friend, Rachel, got most of my to-do list done and enjoyed a healthy and delicious dinner with the hubby. Seriously, how could life get better? These are the days when at the end of the day, I can put my head down to sleep and sigh one of those deep, contented sighs that comes from a life well-lived and appreciated. I wish that for all of you. :)
But, in the meantime, I did mention dinner...
I have been craving something with marsala in it ever since watching the Barefoot Contessa show on Food Network and she mentioned it. Chicken Marsala used to be one of my most favorite dishes, but since going veggie completely, I've not had it over two years. But, then, inspiration hit me. Mushrooms. Marsala. Kale. Perfection.
And this was created...

Again, a contented sigh. Because it was such a comforting type of dish that it deserves a sigh. about the recipe....I don't really have one. I just sort of winged it. I sauteed some mushrooms in a pan with butter, some Chef Tess all purpose seasoning, and salt. Then I used the pan drippings to mix with a bit of flour to thicken it and then deglazed the pan with the marsala wine. Then I put some chopped tuscan or dinosaur kale in the bottom of the strainer and strained my cooked fettuccine noodles over it to wilt it. Then I tossed the kale with the mushroom and wine mixture and served it over the cooked pasta.
I love kale because it has a meatier texture and has so much healthy stuff going for it. We are watching the quantities of it because of cutting back a bit on Vitamin A overload for the hubby's eye condition but knowing what foods go best with the Vitamin A seems to be another big piece of the puzzle. I feel like I am forever researching...but if it helps him even a little to slow the deterioration, it's worth my time. :)
And, since I've been all about the single serving desserts lately, I decided to make single serving bread pudding tonight! Yummmmmmm!!
This was the perfect end to the meal. Sadly, I again barely have a recipe for you. But this is so easy, you can do it! I had some leftover baguette to use up that I cubed. It was about 1/3 of a baguette. I mixed one egg, a splash of vanilla, about 1/4 cup of milk and a dash of salt together in a small bowl. I added the bread cubes until all of the liquid was pretty much spoken for. Make sure to really push the bread into the egg mixture to absorb it or you'll be eating egg coated bread crumbs. Not the desired outcome.
Then, I lightly greased 3 small souffle cups, and poured the mixture into each one. At this point, I set them aside and made my caramel sauce...a few tablespoons of brown sugar, melted into two tablespoons or so of butter and then a splash of milk added in and brought to a low boil, stirred constantly and then set aside.
I chose to cook my bread pudding in the microwave for time savings, but it could be baked - maybe 350 for about 20 minutes...You'd just have to watch them and judge time. Microwaving was about 45 seconds each. Topped off with the caramel sauce and it was just the right size and flavor. I know if I'd have had more, I'd have eaten more. Built in portion control is always a good thing! So, one more contented sigh for the evening.
I live a blessed life. That's for sure. I hope I am always as thankful as I should be for it because it's a good one. :)
But, in the meantime, I did mention dinner...
I have been craving something with marsala in it ever since watching the Barefoot Contessa show on Food Network and she mentioned it. Chicken Marsala used to be one of my most favorite dishes, but since going veggie completely, I've not had it over two years. But, then, inspiration hit me. Mushrooms. Marsala. Kale. Perfection.
And this was created...

Again, a contented sigh. Because it was such a comforting type of dish that it deserves a sigh. about the recipe....I don't really have one. I just sort of winged it. I sauteed some mushrooms in a pan with butter, some Chef Tess all purpose seasoning, and salt. Then I used the pan drippings to mix with a bit of flour to thicken it and then deglazed the pan with the marsala wine. Then I put some chopped tuscan or dinosaur kale in the bottom of the strainer and strained my cooked fettuccine noodles over it to wilt it. Then I tossed the kale with the mushroom and wine mixture and served it over the cooked pasta.
I love kale because it has a meatier texture and has so much healthy stuff going for it. We are watching the quantities of it because of cutting back a bit on Vitamin A overload for the hubby's eye condition but knowing what foods go best with the Vitamin A seems to be another big piece of the puzzle. I feel like I am forever researching...but if it helps him even a little to slow the deterioration, it's worth my time. :)
And, since I've been all about the single serving desserts lately, I decided to make single serving bread pudding tonight! Yummmmmmm!!

Then, I lightly greased 3 small souffle cups, and poured the mixture into each one. At this point, I set them aside and made my caramel sauce...a few tablespoons of brown sugar, melted into two tablespoons or so of butter and then a splash of milk added in and brought to a low boil, stirred constantly and then set aside.
I chose to cook my bread pudding in the microwave for time savings, but it could be baked - maybe 350 for about 20 minutes...You'd just have to watch them and judge time. Microwaving was about 45 seconds each. Topped off with the caramel sauce and it was just the right size and flavor. I know if I'd have had more, I'd have eaten more. Built in portion control is always a good thing! So, one more contented sigh for the evening.
I live a blessed life. That's for sure. I hope I am always as thankful as I should be for it because it's a good one. :)
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Quick Peanut Butter Mousse
I think we've all figured out by now that the hubby likes dessert. And peanut butter. And we're usually running here and there and don't have tons of time for a full out dessert. Add to that the fact that I'm a sweets addict and I am not to be trusted with a whole cake of any kind. :) So, yesterday, the hubby asked about dessert and I suggested mug cakes which have been our go-to lately. I then went looking for a recipe. I am not even sure where I found it but the mug cake itself was not good. Ugh. I HATE wasting high quality ingredients on something that I won't eat. Does anyone else feel like that? But I couldn't do it. Into the trash the cake went. However....there was a silver lining to the cloud. I made a quick peanut butter mousse to go on top of it and it was amazing!!!

At least the cake looked for it's photo shoot. :)
Seriously though, that mousse was enough dessert all by itself. So much so that it was dessert today again after our run and veggie quesadillas.
How to make it? I used an 8 oz block of softened organic cream cheese, about 1/4 cup of powdered sugar, about 1/2 cup of organic peanut butter, a splash of vanilla and some almond milk. I used my mixer on high for about 1 minute and it was done. That is seriously an easy dessert that tastes heavenly!
I went for some great runs this week too! I tried out my new trail shoes (Altra Lone Peaks) for a 7 mile run on some of my favorite trails yesterday while doing the Virtual Run for Sherry. I was so glad to be a part of something that makes people aware of the dangers that can lie out there for us runners, and just people in general. Keep awareness up while showing that it won't stop us is one way to we can strike back. Living in fear is no way to live. I was proud to #run for Sherry yesterday and I want to thank Beth from Shut Up and Run for being open about her loss and organizing all of us to make something positive come from her cousin Sherry's death.

When I am doing something I love, I tend to get lost in it. Whether it's cooking, running or cleaning (yes, I really do love to clean) I am at peace, and have found my joy. Not every moment is like that but I really strive for it. And I'm learning that surrounding myself with people who care about me and who I care about is all the joy I need, because being a part of their lives is something I love as much as cooking and running. Life is imperfect and every day is not promised to us. Living life "fearlessly but aware" is the best I can do. So, my run for Sherry has reminded me of that. I will cherish and love my family and friends, take each day as the gift it is, and keep moving forward even when things aren't as good as they can be. There just is no other way to live. Lately I've been struggling with some things and I needed to remember all of that so badly.
I'll end today with some of my most favorite thoughts/quotes for how I want to live my life and what I hope people see when they see me...
1. She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails. - Elizabeth Edwards
2. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
3. Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. - C.S. Lewis
4. When you choose to forgive those that hurt you, you take away their power over you.
5. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. Audrey Hepburn
I could go on and on, but I think you've heard me babble on enough!

At least the cake looked for it's photo shoot. :)
Seriously though, that mousse was enough dessert all by itself. So much so that it was dessert today again after our run and veggie quesadillas.
How to make it? I used an 8 oz block of softened organic cream cheese, about 1/4 cup of powdered sugar, about 1/2 cup of organic peanut butter, a splash of vanilla and some almond milk. I used my mixer on high for about 1 minute and it was done. That is seriously an easy dessert that tastes heavenly!
I went for some great runs this week too! I tried out my new trail shoes (Altra Lone Peaks) for a 7 mile run on some of my favorite trails yesterday while doing the Virtual Run for Sherry. I was so glad to be a part of something that makes people aware of the dangers that can lie out there for us runners, and just people in general. Keep awareness up while showing that it won't stop us is one way to we can strike back. Living in fear is no way to live. I was proud to #run for Sherry yesterday and I want to thank Beth from Shut Up and Run for being open about her loss and organizing all of us to make something positive come from her cousin Sherry's death.

When I am doing something I love, I tend to get lost in it. Whether it's cooking, running or cleaning (yes, I really do love to clean) I am at peace, and have found my joy. Not every moment is like that but I really strive for it. And I'm learning that surrounding myself with people who care about me and who I care about is all the joy I need, because being a part of their lives is something I love as much as cooking and running. Life is imperfect and every day is not promised to us. Living life "fearlessly but aware" is the best I can do. So, my run for Sherry has reminded me of that. I will cherish and love my family and friends, take each day as the gift it is, and keep moving forward even when things aren't as good as they can be. There just is no other way to live. Lately I've been struggling with some things and I needed to remember all of that so badly.
I'll end today with some of my most favorite thoughts/quotes for how I want to live my life and what I hope people see when they see me...
1. She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails. - Elizabeth Edwards
2. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
3. Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. - C.S. Lewis
4. When you choose to forgive those that hurt you, you take away their power over you.
5. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. Audrey Hepburn
I could go on and on, but I think you've heard me babble on enough!
peanut butter,
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Veggie Barley Stew
We're expecting more snow this weekend. I have to say, I usually don't mind the snow but this winter it just seems like it's always there. I look out the window and there are usually a few flakes blowing around. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it sure feels like it! Luckily, I really do like running in the cold and at least the snow looks pretty while you're running. Sucking a snowflake down your throat is surprisingly NOT a fun thing though. It sort of catches there and it makes you cough. Funny the things you find out being out there all the time. :)
Anyway, tonight was a beautiful night for running. Some sun to start would have been appreciated but I took a flashlight just to be sure the cars saw me against the gray sky backdrop of late afternoon. I decided on a new loop because I was really tired of running the same loops I always run. Plus, this loop was on roads that are a little more traveled than some of the neighborhoods I run in. Once it gets dark you feel a bit exposed as a runner because it's just you out there and you always want to be aware of where you are and make sure that other people are nearby if possible. Last year, I read the story of Sherry Arnold, a runner who was murdered while out on a regular run she did all the time. It hit home with me and I find that I think of her often while I'm out running alone. Not in a terrified, scared of the world way but instead in a way that reminds me that I do need to be aware; I do need to be responsible for being as safe as possible but still be fearless enough to run. So, I watch my routes. If something doesn't feel right, I do a different route or run a different direction or even call the hubby for a pick up. Awareness of your surroundings is so, so important. It's a big reason of why I broke the habit of headphones while I run. There is just no way to be as aware as you need to be while the sounds around you are muffled out. Now I can't even imagine running with music. So, the 2nd Virtual Run for Sherry is being held this Saturday by her cousin who writes the blog, Shut Up and Run. I have my bib printed out and am ready to go! I'm hoping that the hubby and I are doing 20-25 on the Appalachian Trail and it will be my last long run before I stand at the start line for Hashawa 50k.
I made it home, a little chilly but feeling good. My left knee is still pretty sore from being whacked on the ice two weeks in a row but it held up. And all I wanted was to EAT. I was starving!!! Luckily, I had made Veggie Barley Stew and Biscuits before leaving on my run. The hubby did 17 this afternoon and I made sure it was ready for him. I should have made more biscuits though because there only three left when I got home and the boy took one of those. Okay, so I only made 6 but maybe I should have made more because those biscuits are awesome!!! If you missed my biscuit recipe (it's not really mine, it really is one I found from a google search and have fallen in recipe love with it) here's my post with the link in it. I halved the recipe for tonight's dinner. The stew would have been good without the biscuit but I'll take any excuse to add a biscuit to a meal. :)

So, by now you know that I am a terrible recipe creator. I'm not even sure that I make anything of my own creation the same way twice in a row. Soups and stews are especially tricky because I'm tossing a little of this, a little of that into a pot and I'll check on it and tweak it the whole time I cook it. But I will try very hard to recreate this for all of you.
Easy but hearty. I love meals and soups that remind me of my grandmother and this one does that. Not only the aroma of the parsnips that she loved but the barley soup. She made that pretty frequently with whatever she had on hand. I love that I am able to continue some of her traditions and I feel so close to her when those memories are all around me.
I said that the soup was my reward and maybe I should have reserved that for dessert. I have been wanting brownies so, so badly lately and I refuse to buy mixes. All of the brownie recipes I've tried all come out cakey but I keep trying. And I think I finally found a recipe that lives up to it's name. The Best Brownies.
And they are pretty close to being the best. I am going to experiment on replacing the oil with melted butter or at least half butter/half oil, but other than that, definitely my new go-to recipe. Top it off with some red raspberry jam and...heavenly!! That's a reward!

Now, while hubby's still sleeping before work maybe I should head to the kitchen and grab one more brownie. Sssshhhh! Don't tell! :)
Have a great evening!
Anyway, tonight was a beautiful night for running. Some sun to start would have been appreciated but I took a flashlight just to be sure the cars saw me against the gray sky backdrop of late afternoon. I decided on a new loop because I was really tired of running the same loops I always run. Plus, this loop was on roads that are a little more traveled than some of the neighborhoods I run in. Once it gets dark you feel a bit exposed as a runner because it's just you out there and you always want to be aware of where you are and make sure that other people are nearby if possible. Last year, I read the story of Sherry Arnold, a runner who was murdered while out on a regular run she did all the time. It hit home with me and I find that I think of her often while I'm out running alone. Not in a terrified, scared of the world way but instead in a way that reminds me that I do need to be aware; I do need to be responsible for being as safe as possible but still be fearless enough to run. So, I watch my routes. If something doesn't feel right, I do a different route or run a different direction or even call the hubby for a pick up. Awareness of your surroundings is so, so important. It's a big reason of why I broke the habit of headphones while I run. There is just no way to be as aware as you need to be while the sounds around you are muffled out. Now I can't even imagine running with music. So, the 2nd Virtual Run for Sherry is being held this Saturday by her cousin who writes the blog, Shut Up and Run. I have my bib printed out and am ready to go! I'm hoping that the hubby and I are doing 20-25 on the Appalachian Trail and it will be my last long run before I stand at the start line for Hashawa 50k.
I made it home, a little chilly but feeling good. My left knee is still pretty sore from being whacked on the ice two weeks in a row but it held up. And all I wanted was to EAT. I was starving!!! Luckily, I had made Veggie Barley Stew and Biscuits before leaving on my run. The hubby did 17 this afternoon and I made sure it was ready for him. I should have made more biscuits though because there only three left when I got home and the boy took one of those. Okay, so I only made 6 but maybe I should have made more because those biscuits are awesome!!! If you missed my biscuit recipe (it's not really mine, it really is one I found from a google search and have fallen in recipe love with it) here's my post with the link in it. I halved the recipe for tonight's dinner. The stew would have been good without the biscuit but I'll take any excuse to add a biscuit to a meal. :)

So, by now you know that I am a terrible recipe creator. I'm not even sure that I make anything of my own creation the same way twice in a row. Soups and stews are especially tricky because I'm tossing a little of this, a little of that into a pot and I'll check on it and tweak it the whole time I cook it. But I will try very hard to recreate this for all of you.
Veggie Barley Stew
- 2 cups pearled barley
- 1 32 oz container vegetable broth
- 2 cups of water
- 2 organic vegetable bouillon cubes
- 2 -4 cups of vegetables - whatever you have on hand. I had carrots, parsnips and green beans. Next time I'm sure it will be different.
- 2 cups of chopped and peeled tomatoes, or you could use canned or sauce even. Whatever you have. I had frozen peeled and blanched tomatoes from last summer's garden.
- Bring broth and water to a boil and add bouillon and barley.
- Boil uncovered for about 15 minutes and then turn the heat down to a simmer.
- Add all remaining vegetables and let simmer at very low heat for about 45 minutes. Sometimes I even turn my pot off after 25 minutes or so and just let the heat keep it cooking.
Easy but hearty. I love meals and soups that remind me of my grandmother and this one does that. Not only the aroma of the parsnips that she loved but the barley soup. She made that pretty frequently with whatever she had on hand. I love that I am able to continue some of her traditions and I feel so close to her when those memories are all around me.
I said that the soup was my reward and maybe I should have reserved that for dessert. I have been wanting brownies so, so badly lately and I refuse to buy mixes. All of the brownie recipes I've tried all come out cakey but I keep trying. And I think I finally found a recipe that lives up to it's name. The Best Brownies.
And they are pretty close to being the best. I am going to experiment on replacing the oil with melted butter or at least half butter/half oil, but other than that, definitely my new go-to recipe. Top it off with some red raspberry jam and...heavenly!! That's a reward!

Now, while hubby's still sleeping before work maybe I should head to the kitchen and grab one more brownie. Sssshhhh! Don't tell! :)
Have a great evening!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Biscoff Spread is Evil
So, I never should have bought that jar of Biscoff Spread. I mean, I read the label. Enough said. It wasn't the kind of food I buy, but while I was looking at the organic jams, my eyes wandered over the jar sitting there. On sale. Now, I've looked at it before. I mean, a few months ago it seemed like every blogger out there was making something out of it. And I'd never tasted it. I'd read the label and put it back on the shelf. For some reason, this day, I didn't. But I should have. It's the definition of junk food. I mean, a spread made out of crushed cookies and all kinds of oils?? But it was good. I mean, really good. Well, not good but insanely tasty and addictive. That's not good. Finally, after I'd eaten it on an apple and a banana (two different meals at least) I knew it had to go. It just wasn't a good thing to have in my house.
So, after a few google searches I came up with the answer. Use it in my baked oatmeal this morning. Whew! Crisis averted. It served as the fat and sugar component of the baked oatmeal and it used up the whole jar. I was so thankful to see it empty. No more calling to me from the cupboard. And, a plus was that the baked oatmeal was really tasty. Okay, so not tasty enough to make me buy that spread again, but definitely tasty enough to make me understand everyone's obsession with it. :)

I used this recipe here at Inside Brucrew Life and only tweaked it a bit. I didn't add that much sugar because the biscoff spread is sweet, I didn't add any cinnamon, and I made it in an 8" X 11" pan, not 9"X13". It's that kind of customizable recipe.
The daycare kids declared it delicious and I agree. I will make it from now on with another nut butter in it's place and I'm sure it will be just as good. Because, remember, no more biscoff spread here. Ever. Lesson Learned!
So, what's the one thing you remember buying and wishing you'd never found? I can't be the only one...
Enjoy your day!
So, after a few google searches I came up with the answer. Use it in my baked oatmeal this morning. Whew! Crisis averted. It served as the fat and sugar component of the baked oatmeal and it used up the whole jar. I was so thankful to see it empty. No more calling to me from the cupboard. And, a plus was that the baked oatmeal was really tasty. Okay, so not tasty enough to make me buy that spread again, but definitely tasty enough to make me understand everyone's obsession with it. :)

I used this recipe here at Inside Brucrew Life and only tweaked it a bit. I didn't add that much sugar because the biscoff spread is sweet, I didn't add any cinnamon, and I made it in an 8" X 11" pan, not 9"X13". It's that kind of customizable recipe.
The daycare kids declared it delicious and I agree. I will make it from now on with another nut butter in it's place and I'm sure it will be just as good. Because, remember, no more biscoff spread here. Ever. Lesson Learned!
So, what's the one thing you remember buying and wishing you'd never found? I can't be the only one...
Enjoy your day!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Squirrely Tail Twail Run Race Report
This morning I ran my third official trail half marathon. It was held at Gifford Pinchot state park, which isn't too far from my house, and one of the places we do run fairly frequently. Last year we missed this race because our whole household got hit with a nasty stomach virus so I was pretty excited to run it this year. Another bonus was that so many people we know were running it that it felt like just another run in the park. Unfortunately, the hubby didn't get to run it this year either. He got stuck working all weekend to help pay for our trip out west and while I appreciated his efforts tremendously, I felt bad for him that he wasn't able to run it.
My friend, Michele, and I were running this one together and I was super excited. Usually on a trail race I end up alone at some point. I don't mind being alone, but when you're tired, sore or whatever, being alone can sometimes be hard to manage. You start focusing on the things that are hurting the worst and it's hard to talk yourself back up. Having a friend to run with keeps both of you moving, one foot in front of the other and makes the miles and the time go faster. Last weekend, we ran this course with the race director and I took a nasty fall not even a mile in. I was determined that was not happening this time. And it didn't. Instead, I waited a full 5 miles before I got sideswiped by some ice on the trail and went down on the same knee I scraped and bruised up last week. Sigh. I got up, brushed myself off, and we set off again. We were headed out on a decent pace after finishing up our mile or so on the horse trails. Horse trails that are usually muddy but then flood and freeze are no joke to run on. Your feet just ache from being twisted and pushed around the ruts from the horse's hooves. Fun times for sure.
Michele and I were feeling pretty good running through the parts of the trail that are usually muddy and slippery and managing a decent pace. Then, after being so, so careful across a bridge that is notoriously slippery in good weather, I took another tumble on the ground. This fall was really the worse of the two. It just knocked the wind out of me and beat up the opposite knee, not to mention the fact that my hip and upper thigh had come down hard on a root jutting out. Ouch doesn't begin to describe what I was thinking. After a few moments, I collected myself and we headed out again. Last hill to climb felt really long and we talked each other up it, and then, before we knew it, we were out of the woods (literally) and running toward the finish. Michele's husband and children were waiting to cheer us in! That was a great feeling...actually we'd had so many cheerleaders at all the turns from volunteers. It was a really well organized, and fun race.
I was glad when we rounded the last corner and saw the clock was 2:55 because Michele had really, really wanted to beat 3 hours. And we did! It was her first trail race and she did amazing. We're doing another race together in May and I can't wait.
So, tonight I've been taking it easy on my body, letting my wounds heal a bit. I'm all scraped up but I'm sure I'll be back to running in a day or two. I made a simple potato hash for dinner with some kale added in and put an egg on top. I haven't craved an egg in about a year so I must have really, really needed it. Then, I made apple fritters for dessert. Those were way too delicious but I figured a few fritters is probably okay every now and then. Right?
Have a wonderful evening!
My friend, Michele, and I were running this one together and I was super excited. Usually on a trail race I end up alone at some point. I don't mind being alone, but when you're tired, sore or whatever, being alone can sometimes be hard to manage. You start focusing on the things that are hurting the worst and it's hard to talk yourself back up. Having a friend to run with keeps both of you moving, one foot in front of the other and makes the miles and the time go faster. Last weekend, we ran this course with the race director and I took a nasty fall not even a mile in. I was determined that was not happening this time. And it didn't. Instead, I waited a full 5 miles before I got sideswiped by some ice on the trail and went down on the same knee I scraped and bruised up last week. Sigh. I got up, brushed myself off, and we set off again. We were headed out on a decent pace after finishing up our mile or so on the horse trails. Horse trails that are usually muddy but then flood and freeze are no joke to run on. Your feet just ache from being twisted and pushed around the ruts from the horse's hooves. Fun times for sure.
Michele and I were feeling pretty good running through the parts of the trail that are usually muddy and slippery and managing a decent pace. Then, after being so, so careful across a bridge that is notoriously slippery in good weather, I took another tumble on the ground. This fall was really the worse of the two. It just knocked the wind out of me and beat up the opposite knee, not to mention the fact that my hip and upper thigh had come down hard on a root jutting out. Ouch doesn't begin to describe what I was thinking. After a few moments, I collected myself and we headed out again. Last hill to climb felt really long and we talked each other up it, and then, before we knew it, we were out of the woods (literally) and running toward the finish. Michele's husband and children were waiting to cheer us in! That was a great feeling...actually we'd had so many cheerleaders at all the turns from volunteers. It was a really well organized, and fun race.
I was glad when we rounded the last corner and saw the clock was 2:55 because Michele had really, really wanted to beat 3 hours. And we did! It was her first trail race and she did amazing. We're doing another race together in May and I can't wait.
So, tonight I've been taking it easy on my body, letting my wounds heal a bit. I'm all scraped up but I'm sure I'll be back to running in a day or two. I made a simple potato hash for dinner with some kale added in and put an egg on top. I haven't craved an egg in about a year so I must have really, really needed it. Then, I made apple fritters for dessert. Those were way too delicious but I figured a few fritters is probably okay every now and then. Right?
Have a wonderful evening!
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