So, to recap, I have been buzzing right along with my 2012 goals. It has been a pretty amazing year. One of my goals that wasn't as simple to complete? Running 1000 miles. It's not a planned weekend thing like a race but a daily, weekly and monthly choice to keep pushing. I know that there are runners out there, even some I run with, who could run 1000 in only a few months, but for me, this is HUGE. I hit my 1000 on our Christmas Lights run last night and I was in the company of two of my favorite running friends, Stacey and Kathleen. Stacey also was my running partner when I completed another goal this year - to run a marathon. Yes, it was unofficial, but that also means no support, no aid stations, etc, and running it with a friend. So, maybe Stacey's like my good luck charm! :) So, anyway, I hit my 1000 2.14 miles into our run and I think the people around us thought we were crazy hooping and hollering like we did. It was like we won the lottery!
Add that to the running streak coming to an end in a little over a week and I am feeling on top of the world!
This morning was not spent recovering from last week's chilly runs but was spent instead in what might be the coldest and toughest run this year. Well, other than January when the temps were so cold my water bottle froze shut but at least it wasn't windy and there was sun. But with a real feel of 21 degrees we headed out to do 7 miles along the river. Brr! But a great way to maintain my streak...running with my fellow running streakers...all 5 of us! We're at day 31, and only have to make it 8 more days. Except, I'm running with friends for New Year's Day, so I guess I have 9 more days until I FINALLY get a rest day!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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