It's almost the new year and that means it's time for me to look back on 2012, learn as much as I can from it, and then look forward to all that is coming in 2013. I've never been good at resolutions, instead I tend to set goals for myself. Sometimes they're crazy goals, but usually they're attainable goals that I just need to have a list of in order to push me toward completing them.
So, here is my 2012 list that I set and a description of what I accomplished or didn't accomplish as well as some of what I learned.
1. Run a marathon - I did this, but as usual, in my own way. I was supposed to have this done at the Trail Dawgs Triple Crown Marathon but it
wasn't meant to be. I had to work hard to let myself move on from the disappointment, and I dutifully signed up for another marathon, Harrisburg. But, you know how when your heart just ISN'T in something, it's nearly impossible to fake it? That's how I felt. Sure, I kept to my training plan, logged my miles but I just didn't want to run it. And, so, when the chance came to run the Appalachian Trail with my friends Suk and Stacey, I jumped on it! And Stacey did the 26.2 with me. Of course, for her it was a training run but for me it was a huge deal. I did my
marathon. And I was darn proud of it!
2. Bike a century - Yep!
Did it. Would I do another? I'm not sure. I was not prepared for how tough it would be to be on a bike for this long. Wow. I was feeling rough once it was all said and done. I was glad to have accomplished it though!
3. Do a triathlon, even if it's a small one - Nope. I didn't get to this goal this year. I looked at registration after registration and none of them seemed right. Finding a place to train to swim is difficult and I just couldn't seem to pull the trigger. I did, however, help friends train for the bike and run part, so I did a little of this goal. :)
4. Run at least 1000 miles - HALLELUJAH!
Yes, I did it. I logged every mile, every time and there was a point in August when I wasn't so sure this was possible but I put my game face on and made it happen!
5. Get 1000 followers on Homemade Served Here's facebook page. Hmm, well there a few days left in 2012 but as of today I have 938 followers. And I'm glad that every one of you is here. I've learned that my worth as a blogger, foodie, runner, etc (since I talk about everything!) isn't measured by the number of likes, it's about the quality of the likes I've got and the community that exists. And I'm happy, really happy with my little page. :)
6. Learn how to really use our new camera :) Done! I love my camera. I was going to try and start a small photography business on the side, but really, the spare time just wasn't there and I realized that is a market that has many people it in with far more free time and willing to spend the extra $ to buy the equipment I didn't have. And I want to continue to just enjoy my hobby so that's what it will stay.
7. Expand my garden and get more berry bushes - I love my garden. It does amazing things for the size it is. I wasn't able to expand, but I did add the berry bushes and they were amazing. Next year should be even better!
8. Freeze/Can enough vegetables and fruits to get us through the entire winter, not just fall - Well, we are only at the beginning of winter but I still have frozen and canned foods put up and some to spare, so I'm hoping this is a yes. I'll let you know in March. :)
9. Take a real vacation. No, this did not happen. My summer vacation was spent
redoing my kitchen. But, I'm okay with that. It makes every day nicer here, and isn't that what a vacation does? Reset things. Mission accomplished. And I still love the kitchen!
10. Do agility training with Troop - Hmm. Hard to work with a dog you can't drive anywhere. I did not do this. But he has started running with me and was even part of a
newspaper article about me doing my crazy holiday running streak.
11. Become completely debt free - Life has a way of laughing at some of our goals. This has not happened, but it's still something we're working on. I wish I had some magical potion to keep life from getting in the way, but I don't. My hubby's
eye diagnosis has made this an even bigger priority though, and I"m SURE it will make a 2012 appearance!
12. Have an article published in a "real" magazine - This was one of those lofty ones. And, no, it didn't happen. I wish, but I get to write whatever I want, whenever I want and that's pretty awesome!
13. Spend an entire day running ala this
blog post from Kristin Armstrong - Done!! I ran with the hubby on the trails at White Clay Creek State park in January and it was a blast. We didn't get to stop into restaurants or anything like that but we had pb&j and stinger gels and life was good.
15. Make up for missing camping last year with Brieanna, Adrian and Noah by having a great camping trip in 2012! - I am sad to say this didn't happen either. I love my sister's kids so much and it's hard as they get older but I need to make more of an effort. Shame on me!
16. Winefest 2012, baby! Here's to Year #3 with the girls in OC! - Winefest #3 was a great time. I'm so glad I got the chance, but I am sad that it's likely my last time going. I decided I'm not taking the lead in planning because I have so much else on my plate. So, we'll see...
All in all, 2012 was a good year. I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do and handled some life adversity that was thrown my way as best I could. Things are good. Now...on to 2013....