Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Sweet Tooth

Have I ever mentioned that I am a sweetsaholic?  Is that a word?  If not, it should be.  Hello, my name is Sheri, and I am a sweetsaholic.  I wish I knew a way to break free...but I do take solace in the fact that my current obsessions look like this Chocolate Cake Batter smoothie I found over at Oh She Glows.  This is definitely the way to start a morning! 1-019

And I tend toward making healthier versions of desserts - particularly nice if they are one serving desserts.  Like this Strawberry Cobbler I made for the hubby last night...guess I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth around here!


I did use a recipe from Domestic Fits, but I added in some organic quick oats and a little extra milk.  It tasted pretty amazing!  And was one of the easiest things I'd made in awhile.  I love the one serving recipes especially because we can make different things to match our mood.  So, he had cobbler and I had one of my favorite things...granola mixed with vanilla yogurt.  Heaven!  I eat that a lot for breakfast during the week when it's just me.  We go through ALOT of granola in this house!!

I'm glad to be able to find healthy ways to soothe my sweets obsessions.  I can't keep candy and that sort of thing in the house because I just won't leave it be, and it's never me that buys it anyway.  I am so self controlled in some things but sweets aren't one of them.

So, I'm wondering how often I can manage to work that Chocolate Cake Batter smoothie into our daily routine before the hubby calls me out on it?  Good thing I like to run, huh?



Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pretzel Stromboli...and a Great Day!

Yesterday started off pretty average for a vacation day around here.  I couldn't sleep so I was up around 4 am, and decided to do my review of my 2012 goals.  Who knew that admitting that I didn't hit my goal of 1000 likes on HSH's Facebook page would spur my bloggy friends into action.  But it did.  Cooking from a SAHM who has guest posted here a few times, sprang into action and before I knew it, I had all kinds of new friends to talk to!  By the time the hubby and I headed out for our trail run, I was at almost 1000 likes.  Seven miles and about an hour later, I had 1032!  Thanks to Lysska for her support.  I am blessed with so many wonderful people in my life.

Speaking of our trail wasn't our easiest run because I think we're fighting some type of head stuffiness, but it felt awesome to be out on the trails in the sunshine, snow crunching under our feet as we ran and just breathing that crisp air.  I didn't appreciate stepping in a wet puddle of snow only a 1/2 mile in but it wasn't terrible so, I kept on running and before I knew it, that foot was warm and toasty again.

We did stop to appreciate the day at our turn around spot..and captured some nice shots.


Doesn't that look like a fun morning out?  And, then, we came home and did some shopping for some much needed grocery supplies (like goat cheese!) and while the hubby was taking a nap, I made this...


A pretzel stromboli!  I was soooo excited.  It was pretty tasty too.  One of the best tasting doughs I've ever made.  I used a King Arthur pretzel dough recipe and then rolled it out, filled it and brushed the baking soda/water combo that gives the brown crust to a pretzel.  Usually you'd dip a pretzel, but I had to improvise for a stromboli.  It's filled with kale, mushrooms, onions, peppers and provolone and fontina cheeses.  Delicious!!

I hope you all had a fantastic day too!!


Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 In Review

It's almost the new year and that means it's time for me to look back on 2012, learn as much as I can from it, and then look forward to all that is coming in 2013.  I've never been good at resolutions, instead I tend to set goals for myself.  Sometimes they're crazy goals, but usually they're attainable goals that I just need to have a list of in order to push me toward completing them.

So, here is my 2012 list that I set and a description of what I accomplished or didn't accomplish as well as some of what I learned.

1. Run a marathon - I did this, but as usual, in my own way.  I was supposed to have this done at the Trail Dawgs Triple Crown Marathon but it wasn't meant to be.  I had to work hard to let myself move on from the disappointment, and I dutifully signed up for another marathon, Harrisburg.  But, you know how when your heart just ISN'T in something, it's nearly impossible to fake it?  That's how I felt.  Sure, I kept to my training plan, logged my miles but I just didn't want to run it.  And, so, when the chance came to run the Appalachian Trail with my friends Suk and Stacey, I jumped on it!  And Stacey did the 26.2 with me.  Of course, for her it was a training run but for me it was a huge deal.  I did my marathon.  And I was darn proud of it!

2. Bike a century - Yep!  Did it. Would I do another?  I'm not sure.  I was not prepared for how tough it would be to be on a bike for this long.  Wow.  I was feeling rough once it was all said and done.  I was glad to have accomplished it though!

3. Do a triathlon, even if it's a small one - Nope.  I didn't get to this goal this year.  I looked at registration after registration and none of them seemed right.  Finding a place to train to swim is difficult and I just couldn't seem to pull the trigger.  I did, however, help friends train for the bike and run part, so I did a little of this goal.  :)

4. Run at least 1000 miles - HALLELUJAH!  Yes,  I did it.  I logged every mile, every time and there was a point in August when I wasn't so sure this was possible but I put my game face on and made it happen!

5. Get 1000 followers on Homemade Served Here's facebook page.  Hmm,  well there a few days left in 2012 but as of today I have 938 followers. And I'm glad that every one of you is here.  I've learned that my worth as a blogger, foodie, runner, etc (since I talk about everything!) isn't measured by the number of likes, it's about the quality of the likes I've got and the community that exists.  And I'm happy, really happy with my little page.  :)

6. Learn how to really use our new camera :)  Done!  I love my camera.  I was going to try and start a small photography business on the side, but really, the spare time just wasn't there and I realized that is a market that has many people it in with far more free time and willing to spend the extra $ to buy the equipment I didn't have.  And I want to continue to just enjoy my hobby so that's what it will stay.

7. Expand my garden and get more berry bushes - I love my garden.  It does amazing things for the size it is.  I wasn't able to expand, but I did add the berry bushes and they were amazing.  Next year should be even better!

8. Freeze/Can enough vegetables and fruits to get us through the entire winter, not just fall - Well, we are only at the beginning of winter but I still have frozen and canned foods put up and some to spare, so I'm hoping this is a yes.  I'll let you know in March.  :)

9. Take a real vacation. No, this did not happen.  My summer vacation was spent redoing my kitchen.  But, I'm okay with that.  It makes every day nicer here, and isn't that what a vacation does?  Reset things.  Mission accomplished.  And I still love the kitchen!

10. Do agility training with Troop - Hmm.  Hard to work with a dog you can't drive anywhere.  I did not do this.  But he has started running with me and was even part of a newspaper article about me doing my crazy holiday running streak.

11. Become completely debt free - Life has a way of laughing at some of our goals.  This has not happened, but it's still something we're working on.  I wish I had some magical potion to keep life from getting in the way, but I don't.  My hubby's eye diagnosis has made this an even bigger priority though, and I"m SURE it will make a 2012 appearance!

12. Have an article published in a "real" magazine - This was one of those lofty ones.  And, no, it didn't happen.  I wish, but I get to write whatever I want, whenever I want and that's pretty awesome!

13. Spend an entire day running ala this blog post from Kristin Armstrong   - Done!!  I ran with the hubby on the trails at White Clay Creek State park in January and it was a blast.  We didn't get to stop into restaurants or anything like that but we had pb&j and stinger gels and life was good.

15. Make up for missing camping last year with Brieanna, Adrian and Noah by having a great camping trip in 2012! - I am sad to say this didn't happen either.  I love my sister's kids so much and it's hard as they get older but I need to make more of an effort.  Shame on me!

16. Winefest 2012, baby!  Here's to Year #3 with the girls in OC!  - Winefest #3 was a great time.  I'm so glad I got the chance, but I am sad that it's likely my last time going.  I decided I'm not taking the lead in planning because I have so much else on my plate. So, we'll see...

All in all, 2012 was a good year.  I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do and handled some life adversity that was thrown my way as best I could.  Things are good.  Now...on to 2013....


Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I am not anticipating blogging much the rest of today or tomorrow, so I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas this morning.  I can hardly believe that Christmas eve is already here but I am ready to spend some time with my kids and enjoy a nice dinner together.  Oh, and I LOVE watching them open their gifts.  Even at 17 and 21, it's still a thrill for me to see.  And, now, I have one more kid to add to the mix with my daughter's fiancee.  So, I want to enjoy every second.  My sister's family will come over for dessert and to open their gifts and since my kids are older, it's even more fun watching her kids open their gifts.  Holidays have a dysfunctional feel about them when it comes to family for us it seems, so I appreciate and treasure those moments of normalcy that come.

I am missing my Grandma even more this year, but at the same time, I feel her so close to me so often that I am comforted more than sad.  Last year the pain was so fresh, so raw that I spent a lot of time crying.  But this year, I find I am smiling at her memory and not shedding nearly as many tears.  I know she wouldn't want me sad.

So, my vegetable lasagna is already made for tonight's dinner, and all I have to add is a salad, and I need to come up with a dessert for tonight.  I was thinking bread pudding but we've been making salad with homemade croutons so often that I have very little days old bread in the house.  I could use the loaf I just made yesterday, I suppose, but then again, I am headed into town to pick up a cable box, and I might stop quickly into market and see if there are any tasty treats I could buy to use and free up some time.  After all, we do need to hit the trails this afternoon, since I napped and rested up a bit yesterday and we didn't make it out there.  Never fear though, my running streak is still alive thanks to the trusty treadmill and a quick mile while dinner cooked.  If you're counting, this is day 33 and I have 6 more official days to run to complete Runner's World Holiday Streak challenge.  Except our New Year's day run, puts me at 40 days total.  Whew.  I think after that, I will take off maybe 3 days?  I'm not sure yet, I guess I'll see how I feel.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas everyone!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

1000 Miles? Check!

So, to recap, I have been buzzing right along with my 2012 goals.  It has been a pretty amazing year.  One of my goals that wasn't as simple to complete?  Running 1000 miles.  It's not a planned weekend thing like a race but a daily, weekly and monthly choice to keep pushing.  I know that there are runners out there, even some I run with, who could run 1000 in only a few months, but for me, this is HUGE.  I hit my 1000 on our Christmas Lights run last night and I was in the company of two of my favorite running friends, Stacey and Kathleen.  Stacey also was my running partner when I completed another goal this year - to run a marathon.  Yes, it was unofficial, but that also means no support, no aid stations, etc, and running it with a friend. So, maybe Stacey's like my good luck charm!  :)  So, anyway, I hit my 1000 2.14 miles into our run and I think the people around us thought we were crazy hooping and hollering like we did.  It was like we won the lottery!

Add that to the running streak coming to an end in a little over a week and I am feeling on top of the world!

This morning was not spent recovering from last week's chilly runs but was spent instead in what might be the coldest and toughest run this year.  Well, other than January when the temps were so cold my water bottle froze shut but at least it wasn't windy and there was sun.  But with a real feel of 21 degrees we headed out to do 7 miles along the river.  Brr!  But a great way to maintain my streak...running with my fellow running streakers...all 5 of us!  We're at day 31, and only have to make it 8 more days.  Except, I'm running with friends for New Year's Day, so I guess I have 9 more days until I FINALLY get a rest day!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Enchilada Sauce...Homemade!

I am not a big homemade sauce person.  Something about it just scares me.  But, lately, I have been venturing more and more into trying it and so far the results have been well received.  I have to send huge thanks to my Vitamix though.  It makes sauce making pretty simple.

So, I made a tortilla chip, cheese and enchilada type thing a few months ago and have been buying canned sauce to do it.  I decided tonight to try it myself.  And I'm happy.  :)

I found a recipe on Allrecipes and edited the heck out of it.  Took out the oil, added in canned tomatoes from garden in place of tomato sauce and even tweaked the spices.  And guess what?  It worked.

So here's the ingredient list I came up with:

  • 1/2 t garlic salt

  • 1/2 t onion powder

  • 2 T flour

  • 1 pint jar of canned tomatoes, or you could use sauce too

  • 2 heaping T of chili powder

  • 1 t salt

  • 1/2 t cumin

I blended all of that together and it looked like this...

and poured it over the organic corn chips.  Just like this...

Then I shredded a little organic cheddar cheese over top of it.

I put it in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes and out came this.

And that is a quick, easy and tasty dinner!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

One more week to go!

And if you're anything like I am right now, things are hectic!!  Even though I'm done all my shopping, it seems like there is always one more thing to add to the to-do list and to the list of stuff I still need to buy.  It's like a never ending list.

So, I am trying extra hard to keep it homemade around here but we have been eating out more than usual just because time is at such a premium.  I know it's not an excuse but some days...well, I'll just leave it at that!

I did however manage to find a day to make a special meal for the hubby last week.  Homemade mushroom soup that he loved along side wild rice patties.  To start off the meal, I made a mixed greens salad topped with a little bit of goat cheese and roasted golden beets.  Delicious!!  I even made a special dessert..."oreo" truffles.  Of course, I didn't use oreos and substituted organic chocolate sandwich cookies.  A great end to a great meal.

[caption id="attachment_1376" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Started by rehydrating some dried mushrooms[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1377" align="aligncenter" width="800"] And this was after simmering all of it together...[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1378" align="aligncenter" width="800"] And I had to taste test it. Twice.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1379" align="aligncenter" width="513"] What's inside the truffle?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1380" align="aligncenter" width="800"] What a tasty sight![/caption]

This was all done without recipes, just sort of whipping things together as I went along but I did try and keep track for all of you as best I could.

The mushroom soup came together by adding the broth from the mushrooms to a roux made of of butter and flour and then I added in some vegetable broth too so the mushroom wasn't completely overpowering.  I let it simmer about 5 minutes and whisked it smooth and added salt a bit of thyme.  Then I added the mushrooms and let it simmer about 5 minutes more.

I crushed the sandwich cookies and mixed them with a bit of softened cream cheese and rolled it into balls and froze them.  I then dipped them into melted dark chocolate and put them back in the freezer to harden.  Easy dessert, but looks much harder.

So, this is my proof that I'm still out as well as running.  I still haven't hit the 1000 mark but I'm getting there....

Have a great week everyone!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Counting Down to Christmas...and Having Fun along the Way!

Doesn't Thanksgiving seem like a lifetime ago?  It does for me.  Minutes have a way of becoming hours, which of course become days and before you know it weeks have passed and you were just flowing along with things.  Sometimes bad stuff comes up, and equally often, good stuff but usually it's just the usual day to day that moves the time along.  I think that's why I love Christmas.  There's a purpose to things that doesn't always exist the rest of the year, and things just naturally have a sparkle to them that makes everything a little more beautiful.

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~Norman Vincent Peale
I'm watching my children get older and am almost the mom of two young adults.  It seems like yesterday that we were a young family, struggling to buy anything at Christmas and just being thankful for what gifts we were able to provide.  Fast forward all these years and you wonder what to buy them because they seem a bit more removed from your life and your confidence every day.  No longer all the cuddling timesto tell you what they hope Santa will bring or the handwritten letters to drop into the mail.  Now we have the creepy "Elf on a Shelf" to keep watch and emailed letters and videos and I guess I do get a bit nostalgic for our pre-internet childhood existence, at least as it applies to Christmas.  ;-)  Not that there isn't a wealth of knowledge out there and places like pinterest to make us all go into sensory overload and my favorite time waster of all, facebook, but it's just those memories that aren't the same for all those generations to come, in the same way our generation was a mystery to our parents and grandparents I guess.  I asked my son the other day about getting his younger cousins itunes gift cards as I had in the past and he looked at me like I was crazy.  "No one buys those anymore," he told me, as if it was the most outdated trend he'd ever heard of.  Well, I guess I am out of that loop too and on continues the cycle.  I do miss having him and his sister sit on my lap, all cuddled up with my babies, but I am proud to have such a wonderful son.  He has a heart that makes me proud.  And my daughter is my heart.  I just love her and hope for the world to open before her.  I know, I'm a mom, we want these things, but I'm just reliving all those Christmas memories that have become a part of my family's stories as I hang the decorations, especially the ornaments.  Each ornament has a story, a reason behind it's choice.  Each year, my children have always chosen one ornament without any input from me to add to our tree.  There is so much power in those memories.  As I hang the ornament, I can remember the moment they picked it out and it's one of my favorite traditions.  I'm sad that my daughter isn't at home anymore to keep it up, but I hope that it's a tradition she'll continue when she has children some day.  And I hope that before Christmas is over, the boy and I can find his addition to the tree this year.

"Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance - each beautiful, unique and too soon gone." ~Deborah Whipp

So, this Christmas just seems different, but the same all at the same time.  We have been just enjoying each other's company as we hurdle toward this empty nest syndrome everyone's telling us about.  Personally, I think we'll be just fine!  We have some of the most awesome friends anyone could ask for and that is like a Christmas gift every day!  We spent this weekend running - pretty much all but 3 miles in the rain, running errands together which makes those chores go by quickly - and I love spending time in the market with him, and even went out for the first time in forever to a bar.  To drink.  It was a night of hanging out with a great couple and even running into quite a few other friends along the way.  Not that the food was spectacular..  The fries were salty, salty and more salty!  Add that to an already (still) upset tummy and it wasn't a good combo.  This week I'm going to work on a few other changes and see what I can do about getting this nausea gone.  I'd like to be able to eat for real again.  I'm still doing the Runner's World Holiday Running Streak which means I have to run every day between Thanksgiving and New Years.  So far, I haven't missed a day and was even in the paper.  Here's today's proof...thanks to my friend, Evans for the pic. We ran about 7 miles in the steady rain on the trails and had a great time!!  Another plus to the running streak is I am rolling on my way to hitting those 1000 miles this year....but I'm keeping my number secret until I actually hit the 1000.  And then I'll probably throw a party.

So, keep that Christmas spirit going strong at your home.  It shouldn't be limited to just one month, but while it's here, take advantage of it.  It is a beautiful time of year.

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.  It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." ~Agnes M. Pahro

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December. To-do lists everywhere.

Do you make to-do lists?  On any given day, I have several going.  One for homeschool, one for the household, one on my desk, one for get the idea.  It's craziness.  Well, really I think this is an example of how crazy I am.  Another example?  If I planned to put something on the list, but didn't and then I do it, I write it on the list JUST. TO. CROSS. IT. OFF.  I can't believe I just told you that.  I'm certifiable sometimes I think.

But I'm an organized crazy person.  And isn't that important?

So, this time of year has so much going on at once that I alternate between feeling scattered and lost and accomplished and on top of things.  Something like this.  Sunday night comes and I'm done all the wrapping of presents, my house is clean, my menu is made for the week and then....Monday morning comes!  I realize I forgot to schedule the milk delivery so breakfast  menu has to change.  More presents I ordered online arrive and have to be wrapped and to add to my misery, a gift arrives broken that needs to be returned.  Kinda defeats the whole order online for convenience thing, huh?

And I'm working on a Christmas program with the daycare kids for the parents, we went to a local park to see lights and we've got a busy few weeks in December to get through and enjoy!  Two of my kids are leaving me in the fall for kindergarten and I want to enjoy every second with them that I can.  Even if it means we're a bit busier than normal!

On top of everything, we're dealing with all the future planning because of hubby's eyes.  We traded in both cars on one car a few weeks ago and that was a good move, but seemed so final. So real. I know it's real.  But making plans and taking steps makes it more real.  As if that makes sense.

So, I know my posts are scattered here and there and I'm not even talking about food as much lately but a homemade life isn't all's home.  :)

Now, can someone teach me how to make kombucha.  Like I need another thing on my to do list but I am ADDICTED and going broke buying it!

