Monday, June 24, 2013

Pumpkin Biscotti


I am a waste not, want not kind of person.  The less waste that comes out of my household, the better!  Hubby and I were even talking about what it would take to become a zero landfill household - difficult with the daycare because there is unavoidable waste - but a lofty goal to say the least.

That being said, I make my own almond milk twice a week.  There is about 2 cups of almond pulp left over each time.  I've made different recipes with it here and there but haven't found that "The One" recipe.  This still might not be it, but it's a really, really good contender.


Isn't it delicious looking?  You can see the pumpkin, the pumpkin seeds and the coarse sugar sprinkled on top.  Heavenly.   And it all started with the almond pulp.


[yumprint-recipe id='1'] 

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