I think when we got married, like many other couples before us, we were clueless. I often joke that my husband fell in love with my daughter before me, and I still think that's true. He adored her. Still does. I can't wait to see our grandbaby because I know he will be instantly in love with her too. It just makes my heart happy to think about it. We had a lot of growing up to do and those first few years were tough. I learned a lot about what it meant to be a wife in those early years...and we had a lot to get through. My daughter lost her father, my husband lost his brother, we lost jobs, we went back to school, we went back to work and a son was born a year after we got married. Whew. That's alot to get through for any marriage. And I would be lying if I said that we were always strong. We weren't. We almost called it quits several times. But something held us together. I know now that God's plan was for us to be together. We were meant to make it, to survive and become stronger; together. Once we did, it was amazing. I love my husband and I love our life together.
Some people dread the empty nest. Not me. I am looking forward to the house quiet, just us, for the first time ever in our married life. Ever. I love my kids more than life itself and I am dreading my son actually leaving the house but a teensy little part of me is excited. Is that wrong? I don't think so. We've got lots to keep us busy and we'll embrace all the changes.
Of course, our home will not be entirely quiet. We still have the daycare kids every day. We still have dogs; and sometimes Troop is like a kid. He turned two last week and I swear Doberman terrible two's rival ANYTHING my kids have ever put me through. He has been chewing stuff apart, and his favorite new habit is trashing the guest room bed every chance he gets. It's fun. And far from quiet.
We have been in sync about every change we've made to our lives...whether it's food, shopping habits, gardens...you name it, he's on board. He shares the vision that I have for our homesteading way of life and I couldn't be Homemade Served Here without him. He bought me my grain mill back when I wasn't even sure what I was doing because he knew it was important. That's love. He's taken every twist and turn and sometimes not great recipe results all in stride and continually tells me to try again. He's even gotten used to having to wait for his food while I find just the right angle to snap a picture. So, anything that lies ahead is just another day in our life together. And I'm looking forward to spending those days beside him.
Happy Anniversary to my husband. I am a lucky girl.
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