a. it's boring and I've made it a zillion times before
b. I was actually too lazy to actually cook dinner and take pictures of it
c. I was so hungry I ate it before I could even take a picture
Yep, those are my reasons for why so many meals never even get photographed. I'm loving that I can share photos from my phone right to my page on facebook. At least I feel like I'm contributing a bit more that way. Nice feature!
So, anyway, today was one of those days where sitting still for more than 1 minute was a rarity and my kitchen sink was filled with dishes well after naptime. Scary, isn't it? Anyway, I was never without an awake child today all day and that means that nothing else can really get done like I would normally do at naptime. So by the time pick up time came, my house was a wreck and I was hungry. I knew soup was on the menu and I was glad because not only is soup healthy and delicious, it also requires next to no effort or time to get ready. Soup in the winter is my favorite go to because it can be anything. Tonight's soup? Kale with Wheat Sweet Potato Gnocchi. Mmmmmm....that was so good!

But I did do yoga and that felt great. My muscles needed that. And while I did yoga, I started watching Downton Abbey since I missed the first show last night while I was watching Biggest Loser. I love Downton Abbey and that show did not disappoint! Biggest Loser I'm not so sure about. The inspirational stories are great but the game play aspect of it just turns me off to it.
So, that was my evening...a little soup, some brie on bread, yoga while catching up my shows and just some relaxation. And don't we all need more laziness in our life!?!
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