There's so much going on around here lately that I feel like I am just spinning in circles sometimes. With the boy graduating this year and heading off to college in the fall, homeschool paperwork time is upon me. I have been working on getting his documentation ready and making sure we've got financial aid forms filed, housing plans made, etc. I'm sure you get it. I'm busier than ever with that. I have to say though that homeschooling my children has been one of my greatest achievements. I know that may sound silly but to be able to be a very real and integral part of their educational process has been a blessing. Sure, some days I have no idea how the heck I am going to be able to do it all but then, it all works out. The boy is ready to be done but I'm impressed by his ability to refocus, and do what needs to be done. He has really matured and I'm proud of him.
Speaking of the boy...he made me laugh today when everything went so crazy at naptime. I was on a roll - you know when you are just flowing through the to-do list, the kids are napping, you're in a fantastic mood? Well, I was in that zone. I had made bread, peanut butter granola, was soaking almonds to make milk, the daycare kids were all asleep (baby included!) and then...sigh...I put the pretzel bites into a very hot oven - 500 F and opened the door just a bit to check on them and all of the sudden, the smoke detector went nuts. And ours are the interconnected ones so it beeped in EVERY. ROOM. OF. THE. HOUSE. Double sigh. And then, my phone beeps. A text from the boy who is upstairs doing school work. "Way to go, Iron Chef." I have to tell you, it cracked me up. You're probably reading it and wondering why you're still reading anything I have to say but it was just in that moment of deciding whether to cry out of frustration. All of the sudden, the baby was up and I had disturbed the sleep of everyone else to the point that my two teetering-on-sick toddlers were wide awake and the other kids minus one soon followed. Now, the toddlers weren't sleeping well to begin with so that didn't take much on my part, but still...I felt bad. And his comment really lightened the mood. He even went and talked to the baby and helped butter the pretzel bites when they came out of the oven. And I realized he's a good kid. I knew that, but sometimes we all need reminders.
So, in addition to trashing naptime and prepping to send my baby off to college, the hubby and I have been working on a plan to head out west this summer. I am SO excited!! I have never been anywhere but the Eastern Seaboard from New York down and even then, I think I've missed a state or two. I mean, the only time I've been in New Jersey was the time I got stuck in the wrong lane, and crossed the Ben Franklin bridge in Philly with no cash. I ended up in Camden and had to beg my way back across into Philly. Fun times for sure. I sure hope this road trip is nothing like that. Yes, I said road trip. We are camping and running all over the northern part of the US from Pennsylvania to Montana and back. We've got 16 days and I know they'll go fast but I think it will be so much fun. There is so much I want to see and do, and having to pare it down to fit into those 2+weeks is a challenge but so worth it! The hubby and I never had a honeymoon, so maybe this makes up for it. We will be married 19 years in June, so I guess it's about time. If you live along the northern states we'll likely be traveling through, or know of some great nature type stops to make, please make a suggestion. I'm all ears! I will take lots of lots of pictures to share, I promise. I want to send a big, big thank you to my hubby's parents for coming up and staying at our house while we're gone. Our three big dogs plus their dog is no picnic...but it means a lot that they're coming anyway. It will be nice for them to have time with the boy and girl too, so there's a plus. And I know my house will still be standing when I get back which is a good thing.
Of course, this means that we won't be signing up for many races or anything this year because all extra cash goes into the road trip fund. The only races I'm doing are already paid for and they were pretty inexpensive ones. I'll be doing a half marathon this Sunday at a park near our house, Squirrely Tail Trail Half Marathon, and I'm running it with my friend, Michele. I promised her I'd stick with her and I am excited. Usually in races, especially trail ones, I end up alone, out of pace somehow with people I know. But I'm sure we'll just chat through the whole race. Next, I'll be running my first 50k in a few weeks. Please be thinking of me! I know I can do it, but I'll need those good thoughts! I am very nostalgic going into this race. It's the Hashawa Hills 50k Trail Run and it's in Westminster, MD, where all of my family is from, and some still live. I feel a bit like I'm going home to run and am excited to be in a park I've not seen since I was a kid and run my first 50K in it. It's emotional and my dad will be there to see me run! That is a huge big deal to me. Then, the next race is not until May and is the Farm Park Challenge, in Derwood, MD. Michele is running that one with me too. It's a 5+ mile loop that you do as many times as you can, keeping each loop under an hour. It would have been my first 50K attempt if I hadn't made it into Hashawa's lottery.
So, there's my race plans. Other than that, I'm just running and loving running this year. January has been good to me. Almost 115 miles and I'm happy with that, especially since I took the whole first week off. Let's hope February is just as good! :)
And, just so you don't think that I've forgotten this is a "food" blog...
Vegetable Empanadas
I used a recipe from Laylita's recipe for my Empanada dough. I've used pie crust in the past, but I wanted something a bit more authentic. It was really easy to make and to work with.

I used a small plate and a sharp knife to cut around as a pattern.

I hope you are all having a great week and I'll try really, really hard to not take so long to write a post again!!