I'm so thankful for...
1. My husband. He's my go-to person for everything in my life. I wouldn't be me without him.
2. My kids. They drive me crazy but I love them and I'd do anything in the world for them and sometimes I am not so thankful they know that. :)
3. My bffs. Whenever I am losing my mind, I have friends who always have my back. They make me sane again and make me laugh all at the same time. They're my "reset" button.
4. My daycare. Having a job that rewards and fulfills me is a blessing. I forget that some days amidst the endless diaper changes and dried out hands from handwashing, but it is my life and I love it.
5. My family. So, we just about as dysfunctional as they come but without them I wouldn't be the person I am. Sometimes it's been a matter of gaining strength to overcome the crap, and sometimes it's having shared memories that nobody else has but either way, they're mine.
6. My neighbors. For the first time, we've got neighbors who we like and who like us. Okay, that sounds bad, but it's kinda true. :) And we're glad they're our neighbors!!
7. My fitness freak friends. Who else will run 26 miles with you "just because" ?!? Or understands that talking about bikes and shoes is not only accepted as conversation, but is welcomed. There's usually someone who wants to run or bike. And if not, they'll encourage me to get my butt out the door!
8. My blog. My little corner of the world is fun. It's a place I can talk about anything (like this list) and people care. How completely awesome is that!!
9. Cool weather. So glad to breaking out the cool weather running stuff. Yeah, it's an adjustment but I feel like I'm floating instead of slugging through the humid air. Yay!
10. Holidays. Yes, our holidays are a mess. I don't even think we're doing Thanksgiving this year. But I still love the festiveness of it all. Something to look forward to and enjoy.
11. Weekday morning text conversations with my husband. Working opposite shifts makes communication trickier. Thank heavens for texting. My first text to him is before I even get out of bed just to say hello. And we text on and off all morning before he leaves. If he's busy and can't text, my morning just doesn't feel the same. :(
12. My Vitamix and my breadmaker. Yep, they rank that high on the list. I used my Vitamix THREE times this morning alone. Once for green smoothies, once to make almond milk and yet again to make waffle batter. And the breadmaker is an almost endless fountain of bread dough, dough for rolls, pizza dough, etc.
13. Netflix. Hear me out on this. Our Netflix has saved us tons of money. We dropped back to basic cable, saving about $80 a month, and added Netflix streaming for $8 a month. And we watch movies, shows, etc. It is awesome. And at 10% of the cost.
14.Facebook...or Social Media in general. Working from home gets a little lonely and the various social media really fill in those gaps. Other daycare providers help out with issues, friends can all talk and share, and it's a way to keep connected to the people I want to talk to. It's not perfect - nothing is - but it's made a big difference in my life. There are groups for everything too and I've met more runners, foodies, etc than I ever would have in real life!
15. Late night homeschooling time. Homeschooling has been a challenge with my son because he needs that one on one time with me and it's hard for me to give that to him between his work schedule and my daycare. So, when we are both up and awake enough to do school at 11 after the hubby heads to work, it's a fun time for just us. I love sharing a few moments with him because these are my last few months of him in high school. Those times feel like stolen treasures for me to store up.
Halfway point! I'll start with 16 my next post!!
Have a beautiful weekend. This was the sky I woke up to this morning and it was a beautiful sight. Sunlight. Aahhhhh!

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