Let me preface this post with a statement that all runners will be able to identify with. I had a sucky long run today. There, you've been warned. And I am the type of runner who will analyze the crap out of my run when it sucks. Did I hydrate enough? Eat enough? Dress right? Etc, etc, etc. And it will be like that until my next run. I am an obsessive person. This really should not be news.
So, anyway, I was supposed to run the Harrisburg Marathon today. However, for months there was just this little nagging feeling that it just wasn't my race. But I trained, kept working and then after I ran my unofficial marathon on the AT in October, I seriously lost all motivation to run Harrisburg. I tried. I kept training. But it just wasn't to be. And I am completely okay with it. When I made the final choice to skip it and transfer my bib to a friend, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. My runs this week have been fabulous, so I expected no less from today's long run. Well, I was sorely disappointed. Emphasis on sorely. Wow. Starting out my right ankle that has been tender since the AT run really starting flaring up and making itself known. So, I adjusted my gait and was rewarded with less ankle pain but left knee and hip pain. And so began my yo-yo of pain progression. I had positioned my car at the center of neighborhoods I like running in and stocked it with my "aid station" goodies. After the first six miles, I was in so much pain I had to really push myself back out there and away from the car. But I did it. And the next six miles was worse.
When you're out there with someone, pain is a little less severe because you can talk to someone and focus away from the pain. But alone? That's all you focus on. It's work focusing on anything else. I was studying houses, singing, working out my weekly menu in my head. ANYTHING to keep away from the pain. As I hobbled in for my second stop, I knew I wouldn't be able to head back out. The ankle was just too bad. So I will be resting, elevating and hoping that it calms down for Tuesday morning's group run. Luckily, Wednesday is massage night and I'm hoping she can get these muscles calmed down. But in the meantime, I will celebrate finishing that run and trying not to analyze it too much.
Something else to celebrate? I'm at 875 miles for the year for running...that means only 125 more to go to meet my goal! Starting p90X has made keeping on track for running more difficult but I still have been able to work in at least 3 runs a week, and I'm averaging 20-25 miles a week, so at that rate, I should easily meet my goal. Anything extra is just icing on the cake.
I know that posts like this aren't really what I had planned on doing when I started the blog, hence the name. It was supposed to be about making all meals from scratch, using whole ingredients, but there is so much more to that, and sometimes, I feel that I don't post as much as I want to because I don't want all of you to be sick of reading about my fitness adventures. I've thought about changing the blog's name to something fitnessy and catchy but what a pain. And I am still HSH, but like me, the blog is a work in progress, an evolution of ideas and thoughts. So, I will try and not shy away from sharing the fitness part of my life, because it is a HUGE part of who I am, who my family is and what drives my cooking and planning for meals. I hope that some of out there will appreciate it and jump into sharing too!
So, I mentioned the hubby and I are doing P90X...anyone else out there doing it? Done it? Want to share?
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