First off...the trail half marathon last weekend was BRUTAL! I felt so good in the I was flying up and down the hills, but, then, mile 7 came and I just completely bonked. Hard. It was a disappointing 3:08 finish. But it was a finish. And the hubby did so fantastic!! He won his age group. I love that guy! He is AMAZING! Best part of the trip? Hanging with my in-laws and having some time away with the hubby. I loved it. I needed it. So, bonked half marathon or not, it was a good weekend. Check out that elevation chart...isn't that rough looking. I still don't want to look even though it's done. :)

Next up, just what a freaking busy week. Wow. The hubby went for another vision followup and we got the official diagnosis. I know I've been sorta keeping this one quiet and not sharing but that was really more because we just weren't sure what to do, and I wasn't really ready to share yet. I still doubt that anyone will know what it even means, but he has Stargardt disease or Fundus Flavimaculatus is another name for the adult onset version like he has. Not much is known about it and there aren't treatments yet but we're staying positive. We're good over here. Of course, we'd rather not have this to deal with but at the same time, we at least know what it is and that's a far cry from all the guessing we'd been doing. Any and all prayers, healing thoughts and good vibes for our family are appreciated! Choosing to be positive is a much better place than falling into negativity or freaking out so I'm hoping I can make that choice as much as possible!
One great part of the day of his doctor visit? Peanut Butter and Jelly pancakes! I don't have a recipe because I completely made this up as I went along. But I'm sure you could do that too. These were delicious!!!! A little, teensy bit on the dense side but an awesome pancake experience.

And, then, the hubby had a craving for something cinnamon that night. Hmm....well, monkey bread or cinnamon rolls take some time. But coffee cake doesn' I found this Best Coffee Cake Ever recipe from Pioneer Woman and had to try it. And, it was pretty good. A little heavy for me, but really, really good.

And, did you notice that Coco Cafe in the picture? I have a friend who loves coconut water. Okay, I have several friends who swear by it, but I have one who loves it. Yes, Jen, I'm talking about you. So, when I saw this in the store, I had to give it a try. And, guess what? I still don't like it. Even when a shot of expresso and milk is added to it. I just can't get into it. I tried, Jen, I really, really did.

To top off all of that, I went out for a training run yesterday and decided to do 26.2 with my friend Stacey. We decided to run on the Appalachian Trail and once you've gone out 13 miles, you really don't have a choice to but to finish it out and go back. I was beyond excited to have gone that far! I really feel ready to tackle my marathon in November, but it is a great feeling knowing I ALREADY have gone that far!! Yeah, that's me looking like a silly idiot when Stacey snapped a pic as I was wrapping up the .2 of the whole deal. I'm surprised at how great I still feel. Maybe it's still the runners high? I don't know but I like it.

Oh, and I did forget to mention it was fire safety week last week and one of my daycare dads is a firefighter. He does the COOLEST. THING. EVER. for us every year and brings the fire truck to our house, gives the kids a lesson the equipment, fire safety, and rides on the truck around the neighborhood. It's awesome. The kids (and us grown ups!) love it. Two of my friends who are also child care providers bring their kiddos over, and we have a great morning.
Here's my kiddos waiting...

And here's a quick shot from inside the times!!

And, now that I think you're all completely caught up...I'll tell you something shocking. I ate....a turkey burger today. It was my first taste of meat in many, many months. I don't think I will be making it a habit but it wasn't terrible. I think I'll just end on that...
Enjoy and have a fantastic week!
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