Friday, October 28, 2011

Neglecting my blog, but not my kitchen

I feel so badly.  Things have just been so hectic that it feels like it's been forever since I've added a new post to my blog.  My, luckily for my family at least, I've been hard at work in the kitchen!  I have been processing apples the past week or so - applesauce, apple butter and apple juice are all prepped and stored.  I have about 1/2 a bushel of apples to go but I need to get to the store to get more jars for canning. 

My fall garden crops have been coming in nicely...especially the swiss chard.  It's so beautiful!  I blanched and froze a batch of it last week and it's getting to be time to do it again.  Especially since there is SNOW ?!? on the forecast for tomorrow.  I hope that the parsnips and turnips survive because they're not ready for harvesting.  Fingers crossed there big time!!

And my obsession lately has been pumpkin...pretty much anything pumpkin will do.  In the past week I've made pumpkin scones, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin roll, pumpkin name it, I've made it!  I have a pumpkin gratin recipe that looks pretty awesome that I'd like to give a try once I get my hands on some more fresh pumpkin.  As well as this tantalizing looking pumpkin candy I keep seeing recipes for.  It's not fall around here until we're sick to death of the taste of pumpkin.  And even then, I'll keep making it.  I actually was thinking of making pumpkin rolls as gifts this year, maybe even instead of cookies...gasp!  The horror of no cookies.  My husband's coworkers might revolt.  Maybe I'll make them cookies and everyone else gets pumpkin rolls.  :-)

So, I'm here, busy cooking, baking, running, as well as keeping overly busy with the child care.  The group I have right now is wonderful but requires a lot of planning and activity to keep them focused.  And all of that adds up a very tired Sheri!

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