What a busy weekend...I feel like I start every thought, every post, most conversations with how busy we are so I guess that's just our life. And, just to throw a bit more crazy into it, we added a new member to our family this weekend. His name is Troop, short for Trooper Earl (don't ask. really, it's more of a long, drawn out sort of discussion than a story.) and he seems to be integrating himself easily and quickly into our lives which is a big relief to me. He's a Doberman, so he'll be a big boy...add that to two black labs already in residence in our home and the dogs just may outweigh the humans someday. :) He is intended to be a running partner for me someday when he grows into those huge paws and lanky legs, but in the meantime, he's a pretty mellow cuddler. He made it through the first night at home last night quite easily and I even got some sleep. With Troy's work schedule being atypical and mine being at home, most of Troop's care and training will fall to me as our other dogs have so I always feel like I get a bit of special bond with each one before they go on to be "family dogs." I hope that Troop will be the same. Or maybe a part of me hopes that he won't go on to be the "family dog" at all and loves his momma just a bit more. Since our lab, Sierra, died 4 years ago, I have felt a bit cutoff from the dogs in our life. Sure, I trained them and made sure they knew the rules and made sure they went out and are fed but that's where it's ended for me. My heart has always been with my girl, Sierra. And I still miss her something awful. She was the most stubborn, brattiest girl but the day she died a part of me went with her. We already had Cally at that point and she was about 8 months old and already pretty attached to Troy. When we got Junie, I thought she might fill the void but she really is Jeremy's girl. So maybe, just maybe, Troop will be mine. But if not, that's okay too. I will still love him.

So, please be patient if I don't get as many posts on here as I have been. I have a pretty full plate these days with dog training, trying to keep to my marathon training schedule, run my child care business and run my home. And still find time to be a momma, a wife and all that stuff. Did I mention that our daughter, Lyndsay, also moved home last month? So not only am I juggling learning to be momma to a hormonal teenaged boy, but also maintain the balance of parenting an adult child as she navigates what she's headed for in life. It's a busy time here. Cooking and baking are my sanity, so you can believe I'm doing it but I don't always get to share it like I want.

Last night to celebrate Troop's arrival, I made a chocolate fudge cake...yummy!! Not that he could have any, but us humans sure enjoyed it. It was a simple adaptation of
Hershey's Chocolate Cake Recipe. I just doubled up the boiling water for a fudgier texture. We don't really love icing here, so a simple ganache for the top and a ribbon peanut butter mixed with confectioners sugar completed the middle of the cake. Simple, a bit rustic and all chocolate love. I'm getting hungry for a slice just talking about it.
I love sharing my life with everyone and I hope you all enjoy hearing about it just a little. Whether it makes you more thankful for your own peaceful existence, or reassures that there are others out there who are just as insane, I'm glad to be a part of it.
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