Thursday, April 14, 2011

Marmalade Explosion!

What I am about to describe truly should have had an accompanying picture.  Except that I was sticky, the floor was sticky, the counters sticky and if I had dared to pick up my phone to snap a photo who knows what would have happened...

Picture our morning yesterday...

The sun was shining and it was a little chilly but beautiful.  Our deck is right off of the kitchen and I had to door open so the kids were coming in and out of the kitchen and onto the deck.  Alternating between helping me make pumpkin scone dough and playing.  That's pretty typical.  Short attention span but they're always interested!  So, I get that done, popped it in the oven and then decide it's time to do the final boil of the orange marmalade mixture I started the night before.  So, I do that and then I head out onto the deck.  The kids and I pop back and forth between the two places, stirring and studying the mixture as it boiled up. Then, it reaches 220 degrees and it's time to jar it.  But, what's this, the rinds are just a bit too big?  Well, no problem. Let me pop them in the blender for a quick whirr.  And, that decision is the starting point from where my morning went insane.  Those of you familiar with blending hot liquids know that they expand and steam pops up the lid,  well, I knew this too but thought there was a small enough amount to prevent this.  I was wrong. Orange marmalade was everywhere.  Oh my, what a mess.  I was still cleaning it up during naptime.   But the kids thought it was funny and we all survived.  But that kind of sudden stress just throws you off a bit and I don't know if my morning ever truly recovered. 

So, no new dough.  Just a redone scones recipe, which I tried the spiced glaze on this time and it was wonderful!, and thankfully a completed orange marmalade recipe.  I don't know how soon I will ever try that again!!!  Of course, that being said, any orange marmalade fans out there want to give it a try?  I'll share!

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