Looking back over all that's happened and changed in my life in 2013 and it's hard to believe that it's literally only been 12 months. I mean, in 12 months our household has experienced our daughter getting married and us gaining a son in law, welcoming my precious grandbaby into our family, our son graduating high school and moving 3+ hours away for college, hubby leaving work to be home because of his disability, starting a new business while still maintaining the child care, losing some good friends but then gaining some awesome friends who I am thankful for and then just some assorted trials and tribulations along the way.
Yes, it has been a year to remember that's for sure.
Thirteen things I've learned in 2013
1. No matter what, be thankful. Someone somewhere would be thankful to be facing the problems in your life you are, and if you live that way, you'll always look for the light not the darkness. I try. Really try.
2. Tomorrow is always a new day, even when you're crying all the way into it. Frustration and fear can take a hold so easily, but there's always a new day and it's okay. You'll be okay. Everything looks better in the morning.
3. Plans are not set in concrete. I'm a planner and in my head, I'm always making that plan and this year has taken my plans, balled them up into a piece of paper and tossed them out the window of a moving car. But I'm still here and I'm still joyful to be living this life every day. God's plan is far more important than mine. I just wish sometimes he'd let me know what it is.
4. Family is family. I've spent a lot of time of effort trying to fit in or make them fit and at the end of the day, I am just thankful to have them. I love my crazy family and I know not everyone will always fit in the way you want or expect but when you embrace them all the way for who they are, that's when the magic happens. That's love.
5. Growth and change hurts. It sucks. Plain and simple. But it's part of the process. I hate it. There are times when I'd give just about anything for Troy's sight to be restored, our life to be boring and predictable again and just to keep going on with how life was before. But then, I wouldn't have made so many new friends and contacts this year and him and I wouldn't be building something together that could really be a great venture. I hate that his disability brought us to this point but I am trying to keep embracing the change for what it is and work through all the hurt that goes with it.
6. A clean house is overrated. Those who know me best are going to be shocked, but this is a sincere statement. My life has been such chaos that at times this year my house was a wreck and there was not one thing I could do about it. And I learned that it's okay. It really is. The world does not stop if a pan sits in the sink overnight. My life contains so many more precious moments than to waste another one worrying about something trivial like that.
7. Crying is necessary. I have cried so much this year. It's awful but I don't think I'd be sane if I hadn't cried. Tears over losing a friend, tears over my daughter's wedding, tears over the emotion of gaining a granddaughter, leaving my son at college or just feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what else to do. It's like my pressure valve and I tend to do it pretty easily these days.
8. People are put in your life at the time when you need them. This one really doesn't need a lot of explanation I don't think. Looking back over my year I realize that I always had the right people by my side at just the right moments when I needed them. My sole sisters Rachel and Michele have been amazing listeners and logging miles with them has made for some awesome 2013 moments.
9. Grandchildren are amazing. Harper has been the greatest gift in my life next to my own children. I feel so much love for her and being a grandma is an amazing experience. I feel privileged to know her and be a part of her life and I can't wait for all the little moments to come. It's made me appreciate all of the grandmas in my life.
10. Do everything you can right now, don't put it off for someday. I'm trying to cram all of the experiences we can into each moment as Troy is losing his sight and I want him to see all of the somedays now. Yes, money is tight, and we probably could do more saving but right now is about doing. You really never know what the future holds and sometimes you just need to go for it. Those are the things you won't regret. Memories made that carry you. We rarely took vacations or trips and this year I have changed that. I know it was the right choice. Cram as much memory making into your life as you can.
11. Fight the fear. I've been afraid a lot this year of making the wrong choices or disappointing people or just of making change and I'm learning to face it head on and battle the fear. I might make a wrong choice, disappoint someone or have to change but being there for my family and doing what needs to be done is far more important to me these days.
12. Be open. Be ready. Be willing. Three big lessons. I'm working on it and I'll get there.
13. Take nothing for granted. Every let down, every frustration and every heart ache brings you to the place where you can put all of the thankfulness, praise, joy and love into the right places in your life. Every single second of every day has a purpose and a place and don't discount it.
Well, those are my 2013 lessons. I know that these don't apply to everyone but I hope that through all of our struggles, joy and growth we've been able to be friends, family and a business that was a help to the people around us. I'm so thankful for all of the people in my life and I love you all.
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