I like to think of myself as a doer. A dreamer too sometimes, but in the end I am ready for that call to action, ready to make things happen. And, so when we jumped into the new business
Blind Spot Nut Butters, I can't say I wasn't excited because I was. Something new to dream about, think about and to do. A few months later? I still love it but I sometimes feel like that's all I dream about, think about and do. It has been exciting seeing the changes, being part of something that can grow to whatever we want it to grow to. I've spent the last 13 years of my life building a business that, at the end of the day, still is exactly the same as it was when I started, because it's still me and six children and that's all it can be. It has been a wonderful journey and I will never want to forget the memories I cherish, but there's always been that "thing" I"m looking for. And I still don't know that my child care journey is over because there is still more growth needed for the nut butters but it is a possibility and that is exciting to me. The possibilities are endless. How wonderful is it to say that and mean it! I would trade those possibilities in a heartbeat for my husband to have his sight back but this is our reality and this is the new journey.
But in the meantime, there's lots of planning, trial and error and good things that need to happen. And we're trying to balance all of that with keeping the child care business going in the right direction and never becoming a second in our lives either. Not an easy balance. And then there's Homemade Served Here...I am a neglectful blogger!
One plus is all the yummy flavors and scents in our lives from trial and error from the nut butters. One of those is today's breakfast -
Oatmeal Jammy Bit muffins. I found the jammy bites on King Arthur's website and decided to try and make a pb&j nut butter with them. It wasn't successful. But these muffins are!
The kids loved them, and I love that they aren't overly sweet muffins but have a nice texture because of the oatmeal.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
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