Looking back over all that's happened and changed in my life in 2013 and it's hard to believe that it's literally only been 12 months. I mean, in 12 months our household has experienced our daughter getting married and us gaining a son in law, welcoming my precious grandbaby into our family, our son graduating high school and moving 3+ hours away for college, hubby leaving work to be home because of his disability, starting a new business while still maintaining the child care, losing some good friends but then gaining some awesome friends who I am thankful for and then just some assorted trials and tribulations along the way.
Yes, it has been a year to remember that's for sure.
Thirteen things I've learned in 2013
1. No matter what, be thankful. Someone somewhere would be thankful to be facing the problems in your life you are, and if you live that way, you'll always look for the light not the darkness. I try. Really try.
2. Tomorrow is always a new day, even when you're crying all the way into it. Frustration and fear can take a hold so easily, but there's always a new day and it's okay. You'll be okay. Everything looks better in the morning.
3. Plans are not set in concrete. I'm a planner and in my head, I'm always making that plan and this year has taken my plans, balled them up into a piece of paper and tossed them out the window of a moving car. But I'm still here and I'm still joyful to be living this life every day. God's plan is far more important than mine. I just wish sometimes he'd let me know what it is.
4. Family is family. I've spent a lot of time of effort trying to fit in or make them fit and at the end of the day, I am just thankful to have them. I love my crazy family and I know not everyone will always fit in the way you want or expect but when you embrace them all the way for who they are, that's when the magic happens. That's love.
5. Growth and change hurts. It sucks. Plain and simple. But it's part of the process. I hate it. There are times when I'd give just about anything for Troy's sight to be restored, our life to be boring and predictable again and just to keep going on with how life was before. But then, I wouldn't have made so many new friends and contacts this year and him and I wouldn't be building something together that could really be a great venture. I hate that his disability brought us to this point but I am trying to keep embracing the change for what it is and work through all the hurt that goes with it.
6. A clean house is overrated. Those who know me best are going to be shocked, but this is a sincere statement. My life has been such chaos that at times this year my house was a wreck and there was not one thing I could do about it. And I learned that it's okay. It really is. The world does not stop if a pan sits in the sink overnight. My life contains so many more precious moments than to waste another one worrying about something trivial like that.
7. Crying is necessary. I have cried so much this year. It's awful but I don't think I'd be sane if I hadn't cried. Tears over losing a friend, tears over my daughter's wedding, tears over the emotion of gaining a granddaughter, leaving my son at college or just feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what else to do. It's like my pressure valve and I tend to do it pretty easily these days.
8. People are put in your life at the time when you need them. This one really doesn't need a lot of explanation I don't think. Looking back over my year I realize that I always had the right people by my side at just the right moments when I needed them. My sole sisters Rachel and Michele have been amazing listeners and logging miles with them has made for some awesome 2013 moments.
9. Grandchildren are amazing. Harper has been the greatest gift in my life next to my own children. I feel so much love for her and being a grandma is an amazing experience. I feel privileged to know her and be a part of her life and I can't wait for all the little moments to come. It's made me appreciate all of the grandmas in my life.
10. Do everything you can right now, don't put it off for someday. I'm trying to cram all of the experiences we can into each moment as Troy is losing his sight and I want him to see all of the somedays now. Yes, money is tight, and we probably could do more saving but right now is about doing. You really never know what the future holds and sometimes you just need to go for it. Those are the things you won't regret. Memories made that carry you. We rarely took vacations or trips and this year I have changed that. I know it was the right choice. Cram as much memory making into your life as you can.
11. Fight the fear. I've been afraid a lot this year of making the wrong choices or disappointing people or just of making change and I'm learning to face it head on and battle the fear. I might make a wrong choice, disappoint someone or have to change but being there for my family and doing what needs to be done is far more important to me these days.
12. Be open. Be ready. Be willing. Three big lessons. I'm working on it and I'll get there.
13. Take nothing for granted. Every let down, every frustration and every heart ache brings you to the place where you can put all of the thankfulness, praise, joy and love into the right places in your life. Every single second of every day has a purpose and a place and don't discount it.
Well, those are my 2013 lessons. I know that these don't apply to everyone but I hope that through all of our struggles, joy and growth we've been able to be friends, family and a business that was a help to the people around us. I'm so thankful for all of the people in my life and I love you all.
This blog was started as a way to chronicle my love of cooking, decorating and all things homemade and has grown to include my love of all things nut butter. Enjoy recipes with and without our nut butters and all things of our life. We're so glad you're here and part of our BSNB family!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Life + Nuts = A life that's nuts? Or something else?
I like to think of myself as a doer. A dreamer too sometimes, but in the end I am ready for that call to action, ready to make things happen. And, so when we jumped into the new business Blind Spot Nut Butters, I can't say I wasn't excited because I was. Something new to dream about, think about and to do. A few months later? I still love it but I sometimes feel like that's all I dream about, think about and do. It has been exciting seeing the changes, being part of something that can grow to whatever we want it to grow to. I've spent the last 13 years of my life building a business that, at the end of the day, still is exactly the same as it was when I started, because it's still me and six children and that's all it can be. It has been a wonderful journey and I will never want to forget the memories I cherish, but there's always been that "thing" I"m looking for. And I still don't know that my child care journey is over because there is still more growth needed for the nut butters but it is a possibility and that is exciting to me. The possibilities are endless. How wonderful is it to say that and mean it! I would trade those possibilities in a heartbeat for my husband to have his sight back but this is our reality and this is the new journey.
But in the meantime, there's lots of planning, trial and error and good things that need to happen. And we're trying to balance all of that with keeping the child care business going in the right direction and never becoming a second in our lives either. Not an easy balance. And then there's Homemade Served Here...I am a neglectful blogger!
One plus is all the yummy flavors and scents in our lives from trial and error from the nut butters. One of those is today's breakfast - Oatmeal Jammy Bit muffins. I found the jammy bites on King Arthur's website and decided to try and make a pb&j nut butter with them. It wasn't successful. But these muffins are!
The kids loved them, and I love that they aren't overly sweet muffins but have a nice texture because of the oatmeal.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
But in the meantime, there's lots of planning, trial and error and good things that need to happen. And we're trying to balance all of that with keeping the child care business going in the right direction and never becoming a second in our lives either. Not an easy balance. And then there's Homemade Served Here...I am a neglectful blogger!
One plus is all the yummy flavors and scents in our lives from trial and error from the nut butters. One of those is today's breakfast - Oatmeal Jammy Bit muffins. I found the jammy bites on King Arthur's website and decided to try and make a pb&j nut butter with them. It wasn't successful. But these muffins are!
The kids loved them, and I love that they aren't overly sweet muffins but have a nice texture because of the oatmeal.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Peanut Butter, anyone?
I will start off by saying I am not good at shameless self-promotion. I am getting there because I know I will need to be, but still, it's tough for me. But I also wanted to share what's been happening in my life. I (along with the hubby) have launched a new business. I've mentioned Blind Spot Nut Butters on the facebook page, but really haven't explained what it is and what it means to my family.
Finding out that the hubby's condition was going to continue to worsen with no hopes of regaining any sight that he's lost was a sobering day. I think somewhere within us, we had hoped that someone was wrong, something could be done and that this was all a big mistake. Well, a year later, we know it's not a mistake, this is our new reality. He's been home from work now since July and it became pretty apparent that we'd need something else. My daycare is great but it just can't replace the income lost when he went on disability and he needed something else to work on and think about. Since we love peanut butter in all forms...this is well documented...that's the direction we headed in. We thought and thought and thought and after a lot of discussion, Blind Spot Nut Butters was born. We started testing out recipes on ourselves, our family, the daycare, our friends and anyone who would eat them. And they liked them. We liked them. Hurray! Now what?
Then, the flood of paperwork started...paperwork to the state setting up our business, setting up a home kitchen, getting a use certificate from our township...it seemed like all I was doing was filling out forms and writing checks! But then, as of this Monday, we are officially a business with the ability to make nut butters. It was so exciting! We went out to dinner to celebrate and then celebrated more by buying supplies. Buying supplies seems to be a never ending process already.
We have designated a portion of our profits, not sure of the actual percentage yet, to be sent to Foundation Fighting Blindness. When we were lost, trying to find a doctor who really understood Stargardt's disease, they were the one place who talked to us, talked about all of the intricacies of his condition and pointed us in the right direction. The fact that they help to fund the doctor's research that he sees now means everything to me because it means that someone else might benefit from his experiences and our trials. He's lucky that he's had his eyesight most of his life - so many children affected by this don't have that privilege. We want to do something to help them too.
In addition to all of that, we're learning to navigate through the craziness of food wholesalers! So many choices and avenues to go down that it can make your head spin. We are committed to quality ingredients, organic if possible, but are also committed to US based foods, as local to us as possible. What a crazy position to be in sometimes! So, I try and seek out ingredient suppliers who I feel as good about as I feel about our product. I hope that commitment to our mission shows through, whether an organic sticker is on the package or not. Always know that I am working hard at it!!!
So, here's hoping that Blind Spot Nut Butters will be a roaring success! I'm so proud to be sharing my thoughts and our story with all of you. Homemade Served Here has taken on a whole new meaning!!!
Finding out that the hubby's condition was going to continue to worsen with no hopes of regaining any sight that he's lost was a sobering day. I think somewhere within us, we had hoped that someone was wrong, something could be done and that this was all a big mistake. Well, a year later, we know it's not a mistake, this is our new reality. He's been home from work now since July and it became pretty apparent that we'd need something else. My daycare is great but it just can't replace the income lost when he went on disability and he needed something else to work on and think about. Since we love peanut butter in all forms...this is well documented...that's the direction we headed in. We thought and thought and thought and after a lot of discussion, Blind Spot Nut Butters was born. We started testing out recipes on ourselves, our family, the daycare, our friends and anyone who would eat them. And they liked them. We liked them. Hurray! Now what?
Then, the flood of paperwork started...paperwork to the state setting up our business, setting up a home kitchen, getting a use certificate from our township...it seemed like all I was doing was filling out forms and writing checks! But then, as of this Monday, we are officially a business with the ability to make nut butters. It was so exciting! We went out to dinner to celebrate and then celebrated more by buying supplies. Buying supplies seems to be a never ending process already.
We have designated a portion of our profits, not sure of the actual percentage yet, to be sent to Foundation Fighting Blindness. When we were lost, trying to find a doctor who really understood Stargardt's disease, they were the one place who talked to us, talked about all of the intricacies of his condition and pointed us in the right direction. The fact that they help to fund the doctor's research that he sees now means everything to me because it means that someone else might benefit from his experiences and our trials. He's lucky that he's had his eyesight most of his life - so many children affected by this don't have that privilege. We want to do something to help them too.
In addition to all of that, we're learning to navigate through the craziness of food wholesalers! So many choices and avenues to go down that it can make your head spin. We are committed to quality ingredients, organic if possible, but are also committed to US based foods, as local to us as possible. What a crazy position to be in sometimes! So, I try and seek out ingredient suppliers who I feel as good about as I feel about our product. I hope that commitment to our mission shows through, whether an organic sticker is on the package or not. Always know that I am working hard at it!!!
So, here's hoping that Blind Spot Nut Butters will be a roaring success! I'm so proud to be sharing my thoughts and our story with all of you. Homemade Served Here has taken on a whole new meaning!!!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Our Road Trip
So, we've been home for weeks and I haven't shared vacation pics. So, today is all about remembering what a good time the hubby and I had!
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Checking Lake Norman's trails...[/caption]
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We loved the view at Lake Norman![/caption]
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This bird was not sure what to make of us. I had to snap the pic quick![/caption]
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US National Whitewater Center. We will be returning! The trails were closed, so we opted to do this another day but it was worth the $5 to park just to walk around.[/caption]
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South Mountain State Park...a highway detour we're SO glad we made on the way to Asheville![/caption]
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A lot of the trail up to the top of the waterfall was slipper stone or wood steps.[/caption]
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Or just flat rocks that you have to traverse...[/caption]
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It was worth the climb![/caption]
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Definitely worth the climb![/caption]
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It's hard to capture in a photo but there was so much mica in the ground that it shimmered in the sun.[/caption]
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Down was just as tricky as up on these trails.[/caption]
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Dinner at Mellow Mushroom at Asheville...Highly recommended![/caption]
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Breakfast at Early Girl Eatery. It was good...not exceptional, but it was better than the hotel breakfast![/caption]
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View from Biltmore Estates...some people have the life![/caption]
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Greenhouse at Biltmore[/caption]
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Fried tofu wings at Tupelo Honey Cafe...AMAZING!!! I would drive to Asheville again just to eat at this place.[/caption]
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And Tupelo Honey's banana pudding? TO DIE FOR![/caption]
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Biltmore House. Glad we decided to bite the bullet and pay to visit here.[/caption]
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All in all, a GREAT road trip with the hubby. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Warning:Sharp Curve Ahead
Why doesn't life have those type of warning signs? I mean, one day you're driving along and things seem smooth and peaceful when out of nowhere you're careening around a sharp curve you were pretty unprepared for encountering. There should be signs. Or at least a speedbump or two. But that's not how life works, I guess. My husband and I have went careening around a curve or two before in our almost two decades of togetherness and this may be the sharpest one we've encountered yet. The difference this time? I'm driving. Haha! Well, that was a little humor, but truthful at the same time. I am now the driver. And we are experiencing the most togetherness in all of our time together and despite all the warnings...we're loving it. Really. I love every minute I get to spend with him.
So for all of you keeping track out there...here's my 2013:
1. Daughter gets married in a wedding that I get to plan in two months? Check.
2. First grandchild on the way? Check.
3. Son going off to college? Check.
4. Two of "my" babies in daycare heading off to kindergarten? Check.
5. Hubby being home full time as we try to deal with reduced income and not reduced bills? Check.
6. Vacation postponed because of several of the above? Check. Grr.
I think that might be enough change for one year. Don't you? But, no, we're throwing another one onto the list...
7. Start a new business? Check.
Yep. It is official. We are starting a new business venture. Blind Spot Nut Butters. The hubby and I are both peanut butter addicts. I mean, I would exist (and have) on the stuff and it just seemed like it made sense. It is giving him a focus and I am fully on board. I'm the flavor developer, he's the dreamer and the muscle behind the grinder. It's a good mix. We make good partners.
Our first tasting is this weekend and I'm nervous! I can't wait to share our vision and flavors but there's that little doubt that sticks around no matter what. I can't wait to share more with you as things progress.
Either way, our seatbelts are fastened and we're ready for this sharp curve ahead...but secretly I'm hoping for some smooth roads! I mean, I feel like I am at a good place. I'm happy and relying on God to show us our path and guide us. It doesn't mean that I"m always calm and at ease...I certainly have my pity party moments but I'm mostly there. Life is good despite the hubby's disability and whatever else we have down the road. I am trusting the plan that God is putting in place in our lives. But still, couldn't there be a sign or two warning us about the next curve? Is that too much to ask?
So for all of you keeping track out there...here's my 2013:
1. Daughter gets married in a wedding that I get to plan in two months? Check.
2. First grandchild on the way? Check.
3. Son going off to college? Check.
4. Two of "my" babies in daycare heading off to kindergarten? Check.
5. Hubby being home full time as we try to deal with reduced income and not reduced bills? Check.
6. Vacation postponed because of several of the above? Check. Grr.
I think that might be enough change for one year. Don't you? But, no, we're throwing another one onto the list...
7. Start a new business? Check.
Yep. It is official. We are starting a new business venture. Blind Spot Nut Butters. The hubby and I are both peanut butter addicts. I mean, I would exist (and have) on the stuff and it just seemed like it made sense. It is giving him a focus and I am fully on board. I'm the flavor developer, he's the dreamer and the muscle behind the grinder. It's a good mix. We make good partners.
Our first tasting is this weekend and I'm nervous! I can't wait to share our vision and flavors but there's that little doubt that sticks around no matter what. I can't wait to share more with you as things progress.
Either way, our seatbelts are fastened and we're ready for this sharp curve ahead...but secretly I'm hoping for some smooth roads! I mean, I feel like I am at a good place. I'm happy and relying on God to show us our path and guide us. It doesn't mean that I"m always calm and at ease...I certainly have my pity party moments but I'm mostly there. Life is good despite the hubby's disability and whatever else we have down the road. I am trusting the plan that God is putting in place in our lives. But still, couldn't there be a sign or two warning us about the next curve? Is that too much to ask?
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I guess it's time to share...
I know that July is almost over and I have not added one new blog entry. Too busy out and about but at least I've been able to keep up sharing our live via our Facebook page. Sometimes there just isn't enough time. Or maybe I'm just being a little more stingy with my time these days. You see, July has been a sort of transitional time for our family. I know that I have mentioned before that my husband was diagnosed with Stargardt's disease about a year ago after suffering symptoms for the past four to five years, but I have been a little quiet about the fact that his condition had worsened to the point that he actually is no longer able to work at his job. It has been a big change for him to be home and he's trying to keep busy but I'm sure a part of him misses that "place of his own."
I was worried that when he came home for good it would be hard, or that I would feel put out of my place but instead, it's been wonderful having him here. I've spent the last 15 years or so as a third shift widow, spending so much time alone while he slept, or was at work that there is a teensy tiny bit of me that is loving having my husband near me all the time. I'm a little romantic like that, my glasses are very rose colored at times. But, in all seriousness, I am relieved that he's no longer forced to pretend things are okay at work, he no longer has to drive to and from work worried about the drive and I no longer have to worry about him either. That's a lot of stress off of us.
Not that it's all going to be stress free. I mean, there is a very real possibility that we will not be able to keep our house. It was hard to come to grips with the fact that our house isn't worth enough to sell, and our new adjusted income isn't enough to pay everything, but it's okay. It really, honestly and truly is okay. I'm happy that he's healthy and here and that is enough for me. God will provide a door for us, and I trust that completely. We're doing all we can to work through solutions, but if, at the end of all of that, we can't manage it, then we move on. It's not worth stressing over something that is a material possession.
In the meantime, he's learning how to make bread, peanut butter and all of the other stuff I make each week, and he's a great help with the daycare kids. He's been able to take the dogs for walks in the morning and I think he's settling into this new role. And see
I was worried that when he came home for good it would be hard, or that I would feel put out of my place but instead, it's been wonderful having him here. I've spent the last 15 years or so as a third shift widow, spending so much time alone while he slept, or was at work that there is a teensy tiny bit of me that is loving having my husband near me all the time. I'm a little romantic like that, my glasses are very rose colored at times. But, in all seriousness, I am relieved that he's no longer forced to pretend things are okay at work, he no longer has to drive to and from work worried about the drive and I no longer have to worry about him either. That's a lot of stress off of us.
Not that it's all going to be stress free. I mean, there is a very real possibility that we will not be able to keep our house. It was hard to come to grips with the fact that our house isn't worth enough to sell, and our new adjusted income isn't enough to pay everything, but it's okay. It really, honestly and truly is okay. I'm happy that he's healthy and here and that is enough for me. God will provide a door for us, and I trust that completely. We're doing all we can to work through solutions, but if, at the end of all of that, we can't manage it, then we move on. It's not worth stressing over something that is a material possession.
In the meantime, he's learning how to make bread, peanut butter and all of the other stuff I make each week, and he's a great help with the daycare kids. He's been able to take the dogs for walks in the morning and I think he's settling into this new role. And see
Saturday, July 20, 2013
July in Review
No, July is not over but the vacation that has been all but a few days of July is just about over so I thought I'd share some of our fun explorations and food...
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
19 years...
Through everything that life has thrown our way, the hubby and I have still managed to almost make it to the twenty year mark. Almost two decades of togetherness has brought us here...standing on the brink of an empty nest, a grandbaby girl on the way and lots of other changes.
I think when we got married, like many other couples before us, we were clueless. I often joke that my husband fell in love with my daughter before me, and I still think that's true. He adored her. Still does. I can't wait to see our grandbaby because I know he will be instantly in love with her too. It just makes my heart happy to think about it. We had a lot of growing up to do and those first few years were tough. I learned a lot about what it meant to be a wife in those early years...and we had a lot to get through. My daughter lost her father, my husband lost his brother, we lost jobs, we went back to school, we went back to work and a son was born a year after we got married. Whew. That's alot to get through for any marriage. And I would be lying if I said that we were always strong. We weren't. We almost called it quits several times. But something held us together. I know now that God's plan was for us to be together. We were meant to make it, to survive and become stronger; together. Once we did, it was amazing. I love my husband and I love our life together.
Some people dread the empty nest. Not me. I am looking forward to the house quiet, just us, for the first time ever in our married life. Ever. I love my kids more than life itself and I am dreading my son actually leaving the house but a teensy little part of me is excited. Is that wrong? I don't think so. We've got lots to keep us busy and we'll embrace all the changes.
Of course, our home will not be entirely quiet. We still have the daycare kids every day. We still have dogs; and sometimes Troop is like a kid. He turned two last week and I swear Doberman terrible two's rival ANYTHING my kids have ever put me through. He has been chewing stuff apart, and his favorite new habit is trashing the guest room bed every chance he gets. It's fun. And far from quiet.
We have been in sync about every change we've made to our lives...whether it's food, shopping habits, gardens...you name it, he's on board. He shares the vision that I have for our homesteading way of life and I couldn't be Homemade Served Here without him. He bought me my grain mill back when I wasn't even sure what I was doing because he knew it was important. That's love. He's taken every twist and turn and sometimes not great recipe results all in stride and continually tells me to try again. He's even gotten used to having to wait for his food while I find just the right angle to snap a picture. So, anything that lies ahead is just another day in our life together. And I'm looking forward to spending those days beside him.
Happy Anniversary to my husband. I am a lucky girl.
[caption id="attachment_1125" align="aligncenter" width="519"]
At our wedding, my daughter and my dad escorted me down the aisle. She is completely adorable in her hat and dress. And holding tight to her "great-mom" my grandmother.[/caption]
I think when we got married, like many other couples before us, we were clueless. I often joke that my husband fell in love with my daughter before me, and I still think that's true. He adored her. Still does. I can't wait to see our grandbaby because I know he will be instantly in love with her too. It just makes my heart happy to think about it. We had a lot of growing up to do and those first few years were tough. I learned a lot about what it meant to be a wife in those early years...and we had a lot to get through. My daughter lost her father, my husband lost his brother, we lost jobs, we went back to school, we went back to work and a son was born a year after we got married. Whew. That's alot to get through for any marriage. And I would be lying if I said that we were always strong. We weren't. We almost called it quits several times. But something held us together. I know now that God's plan was for us to be together. We were meant to make it, to survive and become stronger; together. Once we did, it was amazing. I love my husband and I love our life together.
Some people dread the empty nest. Not me. I am looking forward to the house quiet, just us, for the first time ever in our married life. Ever. I love my kids more than life itself and I am dreading my son actually leaving the house but a teensy little part of me is excited. Is that wrong? I don't think so. We've got lots to keep us busy and we'll embrace all the changes.
Of course, our home will not be entirely quiet. We still have the daycare kids every day. We still have dogs; and sometimes Troop is like a kid. He turned two last week and I swear Doberman terrible two's rival ANYTHING my kids have ever put me through. He has been chewing stuff apart, and his favorite new habit is trashing the guest room bed every chance he gets. It's fun. And far from quiet.
We have been in sync about every change we've made to our lives...whether it's food, shopping habits, gardens...you name it, he's on board. He shares the vision that I have for our homesteading way of life and I couldn't be Homemade Served Here without him. He bought me my grain mill back when I wasn't even sure what I was doing because he knew it was important. That's love. He's taken every twist and turn and sometimes not great recipe results all in stride and continually tells me to try again. He's even gotten used to having to wait for his food while I find just the right angle to snap a picture. So, anything that lies ahead is just another day in our life together. And I'm looking forward to spending those days beside him.
Happy Anniversary to my husband. I am a lucky girl.
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Monday, June 24, 2013
Pumpkin Biscotti

I am a waste not, want not kind of person. The less waste that comes out of my household, the better! Hubby and I were even talking about what it would take to become a zero landfill household - difficult with the daycare because there is unavoidable waste - but a lofty goal to say the least.
That being said, I make my own almond milk twice a week. There is about 2 cups of almond pulp left over each time. I've made different recipes with it here and there but haven't found that "The One" recipe. This still might not be it, but it's a really, really good contender.

Isn't it delicious looking? You can see the pumpkin, the pumpkin seeds and the coarse sugar sprinkled on top. Heavenly. And it all started with the almond pulp.

[yumprint-recipe id='1']
Views on a Hike
Yesterday, the hubby and I set out do some trail work and the bonus is I get to enjoy a hike with him at the same time. While he worked and worked, I enjoyed the view...

This is one of my most favorite trails to run on...and after having the chance to slow down and look around...I remember why even more!

This is one of my most favorite trails to run on...and after having the chance to slow down and look around...I remember why even more!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My Garden
My garden has been booming lately with all the rain so I thought I'd share it with you. You'd never believe how much stuff can be packed in such a small garden!
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The blackberry bushes are going insane this year![/caption]
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Looking like blackberry jam to me![/caption]
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A few more weeks...[/caption]
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Small plant but huge blueberries[/caption]
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The cucumber off on it's own from the other garden plants[/caption]
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I hope we get some blueberries from this but they got hit with the late frost[/caption]
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I love those blackberries![/caption]
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First zucchini![/caption]
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Zucchini going wild on the trellis[/caption]
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First tomatoes![/caption]
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Mint after being cut back[/caption]
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Dinosaur kale has been SO good this year. We've harvested a lot from these plants.[/caption]
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Eggplant. The bugs really seem to like this one. Time for a DE dusting![/caption]
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Peppers...and there are actually some flowers[/caption]
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Lettuce! SO GOOD!!!![/caption]
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First year that the corn looks like it might actually do something...[/caption]
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Strawberry plants. We've gotten about a quart and a half from this plant.[/caption]
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