Thursday, August 2, 2012

Vegan Oatmeal Cookies and Some New Plantings :)

Have I told you lately about my new favorite book???  It is called Vegan Vittles and I am completely loving it.  Yes, yes, I know, I could surf the web picking up a recipe here and there but there is always going to be something about holding a book in your hands, spending some time sitting in a comfy chair and just thumbing through it.  It just is relaxing but it still is inspiring.  I know since we've dramatically cut dairy and animal products from our diet sometimes it seems like nothing works.  But then I happened to see this cookbook... Vegan Vittles and had to at least order it and give it a try.   I am NOT being paid in any way for this glowing review, just in case you were wondering.  It was just a nice treat to again be curled up on a comfy chair, cookbook in hand and not have to think of how I'd make this work without eggs, milk, butter, whatever it was that was the ingredients or ingredients giving me trouble.  There is a free preview on Amazon I believe and if you are especially wondering how to make do without cheese ( I was a complete cheeseaholic!) this book is for you.  She also has a cookbook just about uncheeses but the chapter in this cookbook is enough for me, for now.

So, what does this have to do with oatmeal cookies?  I made the most delicious cookies today and they were from this cookbook and they had No eggs.  No milk.  No butter.  And I was happy :)

I'm not the only person to love this cookbook either...Check out Go Dairy Free's book review here.

I've not only been sitting around, reading cookbooks and making yummy desserts, I've been planning and planting again!  I'm not really content to let just the hillside have all the fun.  Instead, I've mentioned to the hubby that less grass is likely in our future.  Mowing it requires so much fuel consumption and for what?  To have green grass?  I'd rather have plants that invite you to head out and relax and take in the sights of a butterfly landing on them or in watching a toad hop through after a rain shower.  I really have started to see things in a new way and most of the time I'm thrilled.  Sometimes, I think I'm crazy, but that's okay too.  We're all crazy in our own way.  Maybe the blog should be called Homemade Crunchy Granola Filled Life Served Here!  Because we are certainly getting more and more crunchy over here!  So here's installment #1 of the garden in the front yard.  All PA native plants, all planned to spread and grow and become wild and beautiful looking.

Speaking of the blog...a friend has started her own blog and you should check her out.  Stacey Runs and Eats is her blog and like me, obviously she runs and eats.  But she runs a lot more.  She just signed up for a 50 miler!  Makes my marathon plan look like a training run, lol!  So, go and check it out, I'm sure she'd appreciate the visit.

Time to go plan up my next kitchen adventure!



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