Monday, July 2, 2012

How We're Living

Sometimes it's nice to just take an inventory of where you are, what your plans are and let go of the past except for to learn from it.  That's what this evaluation of things really is...a checkpoint to let me know where we're at: what's working, what's not working and how we can change still. We're at the halfway point in the year, so what's happening here???

We've had a lot of changes in our lives over the course of 2012.  It's been a big year for us.  Our family and child care meals have gone just about completely organic.  I say just about because there is the occasional snack or food that isn't organic, but still fits in our life or there is sustainable family farms that we buy from who are not organic but who we agree with their practices and values.  If we have a choice between an organic product shipped in from Mexico or California even versus a local product that is farmed sustainably without pesticides, etc, we'll choose the local one every time.  I have become more vocal with the farmers, not afraid to ask questions about how they raise their produce.  I feel like I am better informed as a consumer and I know that I am voting with my money every time I make those choices.

Grocery shopping looks completely different these days!  I only go to the regular grocery store maybe once or twice a month or if I have to go because I am out of something.  I go to market or the local natural foods store.  We buy in bulk, make it or grow it in most cases but the components of those meals still has to come from somewhere.  Our grocery bill is way down.  I'm sure that's in part to giving up meat completely somewhere around early March.  We are averaging for us and the daycare kids about $500 a month in groceries.  That's about $200 a month less than we were spending at the same time last year.  I'll take that!! As we limit more and more of the animal based products in our life...we're not vegan but there are definitely some leanings that way...

Another big change is not buying any cleaning products any longer.  I make them all as I use up what is left in our closet.  I made an amazing combo I saw on Pinterest for cleaning our showers and was completely wowed.  Dish detergent plus white vinegar.  And it rocked.  I've never seen our showers sparkle like that with NO scrubbing.  Making and doing for yourself does not always mean sacrifice or struggle.  Most of the time, it's just a change and usually you're pleasantly surprised at the results.

Conservation in all aspects of our life has become a priority.  We reuse everything we can, we recycle everything we can't and we conserve as much as we can to not use it in the first place.  Water conservation has become a game between the hubby and I to see who can take the shortest shower.  We're odd like that.  I know it.  But life has to be fun, and ours is.  I love all of the changes we're making and I love that he's with me sharing the journey.   We limit our screen time too and that is making a huge impact.  I look forward to seeing our electric bills to see how much we've gone down!

So, to recap, we limit our water and electric use, limit how much trash is being added from our home, only buy local and sustainable or organic foods.  Next step, car usage, lol.  We need to bike more.  We bike alot but it's not "to" places.  It's just biking.  We have the capability to haul small amounts of things on our bikes.  It's time we start implementing that.  So, hopefully the next time I do a check in, we'll be rocking that out too.

Now, before you start thinking we're just crunchy granola freaks...we're not.  We're an average family living in a nice neighborhood with nice neighbors and from the outside you'd probably never guess how "crunchy" our live really is, so it can be done.  No matter where you are, who you are, etc.  You can change your life to be whatever you want it to be.  Sure, I wish my house wasn't worthless and I could sell and buy a farmette somewhere.  But that's not my reality.  This is and I'm making the best of it.  And that's all I can do.  :)  I hope you're enjoying our journey...




  1. LOVE the changes! I've learned so much from you on my journey to becoming less of a consumer on this planet. It's amazing to learn that the small changes we make can lead to a quantum difference. Keep rocking sustainability!

  2. Thank you, Kathleen! And thank you for always being up for anything we talk about! You're always asking about ingredients I don't know about and making me go learn more. I love that! :) Now get healthy so we can run together on my vacation!!
