Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blueberry Topped Buckwheat Pancakes

Growing up, we had all sorts of interesting combinations of foods.  It's funny in retrospect because some of the things I hated at the time, I have looked back on fondly and even have recreated in my adulthood.  It's interesting how life can be like that.  One thing that I didn't mind at all growing up was buckwheat pancakes.  I loved them and they always were served with blueberries.  I still remember the first - and, previous to this meal, last - time I made them for my husband.  He was not impressed at all, and I quickly threw away any ideas of serving those at my own home.  Fast forward eighteen years and this was our breakfast recently...beautiful buckwheat pancakes with homemade blueberry sauce.

And he loved them.  He has made such great changes in his diet over these years that it is a joy to cook for him, to try new things and to share the good and bad recipes with someone who appreciates the effort as much as the result.

This recipe was interesting because in my own true fashion, I tweaked a recipe I'd never made.  It's just more fun that way!!!  I mean, what do you have to lose??

My recipe was...


  • 1 cup plain yogurt

  • 3 egg whites (supposed to be 1 large egg but I had these leftover from making ice cream and thought it would be a shame to waste them just sitting there...)

  • 3 T melted butter

  • 1 c buckwheat flour

  • 4 T ground walnuts

  • 1 T sugar

  • 1/2 t salt

  • 1/3 t baking soda


  1. Mix yogurt, egg and melted butter.

  2. In separate container, mix remaining ingredients together.

  3. Combine wet and dry until mixed, but not overworked.

  4. Let sit for a few minutes.  If batter is too thick, milk can be added to thin it.

  5. Cook on hot griddle until edges are dry and surface bubbles.  Flip and cook other side.

Blueberry sauce:

Mix 1/2 c blueberries, 2 T water and 3 T sugar in medium saucepan and gently bring to a low boil.  Watch carefully and let it cook until blueberries are softened.  Remove from heat and let sit to cool.  It will be thin but if you want  a thicker sauce, more sugar can be added.

Pancakes are second in line as favorites in this house after waffles.  There are endless combinations of ingredients, but we love whole grains, nuts and all kinds of heart healthy mixes.  I love that pancakes are versatile enough to incorporate fruits and nuts and still have some of the heaviness that the grains provide.  Well, not that buckwheat is a grain, but still...

Anyway, it only took 18 year but my childhood favorite is back on the menu!  :)



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