Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thanksgiving in September

Not a full thanksgiving dinner, but all the tastes and smells of it!  I made turkey rolls with stuffing inside, a nice cranberry relish for the top of them, and then some french cut green beans on the side.  It was a pretty dinner, so nice and colorful.  I think I have decided that one of my favorite go-to ingredients is dried cranberries.  How funny is that???  I mean, they can be sweet or savory, reconstituted or not, and even just eaten by the handful as I'm cooking.  It's just a great ingredient and keeps forever too!  I made my cranberry sauce/relish tonight by boiling dried cranberries in some red wine, water and a splash of sweeter spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and a hint of allspice and clove.  Very autumn smelling in the house as I cooked. 

And to make a great dinner even better, I made some rice pudding out of leftover Chinese food rice this afternoon.  I LOVE rice pudding and it was a great treat.  Very simple - about 2 cups rice, a bit less than 2 cups milk, 1 egg, some cinnamon.  Bring to a boil, then let cool.  Doesn't get much easier than that! 


  1. Sheri...it's not too early in the year for thanksgiving dinner as far as I am concerned! I bet your kitchen smelled fabulous! Love the rice pudding, too!

  2. Thanks for dropping by, Anne! And, yes, I loved how the house smelled. I'm a sucker for autumn smells. :)

  3. I love seeing meals like this served at other times of the year. Why save all that deliciousness for only Thanksgiving?!

  4. Very true, Kristen! It's a combination that we reserve for one day but really is special just for everyday! Thanks for stopping in!
