I will start off by saying I am not good at shameless self-promotion. I am getting there because I know I will need to be, but still, it's tough for me. But I also wanted to share what's been happening in my life. I (along with the hubby) have launched a new business. I've mentioned Blind Spot Nut Butters on the facebook page, but really haven't explained what it is and what it means to my family.
Finding out that the hubby's condition was going to continue to worsen with no hopes of regaining any sight that he's lost was a sobering day. I think somewhere within us, we had hoped that someone was wrong, something could be done and that this was all a big mistake. Well, a year later, we know it's not a mistake, this is our new reality. He's been home from work now since July and it became pretty apparent that we'd need something else. My daycare is great but it just can't replace the income lost when he went on disability and he needed something else to work on and think about. Since we love peanut butter in all forms...this is well documented...that's the direction we headed in. We thought and thought and thought and after a lot of discussion, Blind Spot Nut Butters was born. We started testing out recipes on ourselves, our family, the daycare, our friends and anyone who would eat them. And they liked them. We liked them. Hurray! Now what?
Then, the flood of paperwork started...paperwork to the state setting up our business, setting up a home kitchen, getting a use certificate from our township...it seemed like all I was doing was filling out forms and writing checks! But then, as of this Monday, we are officially a business with the ability to make nut butters. It was so exciting! We went out to dinner to celebrate and then celebrated more by buying supplies. Buying supplies seems to be a never ending process already.
We have designated a portion of our profits, not sure of the actual percentage yet, to be sent to Foundation Fighting Blindness. When we were lost, trying to find a doctor who really understood Stargardt's disease, they were the one place who talked to us, talked about all of the intricacies of his condition and pointed us in the right direction. The fact that they help to fund the doctor's research that he sees now means everything to me because it means that someone else might benefit from his experiences and our trials. He's lucky that he's had his eyesight most of his life - so many children affected by this don't have that privilege. We want to do something to help them too.
In addition to all of that, we're learning to navigate through the craziness of food wholesalers! So many choices and avenues to go down that it can make your head spin. We are committed to quality ingredients, organic if possible, but are also committed to US based foods, as local to us as possible. What a crazy position to be in sometimes! So, I try and seek out ingredient suppliers who I feel as good about as I feel about our product. I hope that commitment to our mission shows through, whether an organic sticker is on the package or not. Always know that I am working hard at it!!!
So, here's hoping that Blind Spot Nut Butters will be a roaring success! I'm so proud to be sharing my thoughts and our story with all of you. Homemade Served Here has taken on a whole new meaning!!!
This blog was started as a way to chronicle my love of cooking, decorating and all things homemade and has grown to include my love of all things nut butter. Enjoy recipes with and without our nut butters and all things of our life. We're so glad you're here and part of our BSNB family!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Our Road Trip
So, we've been home for weeks and I haven't shared vacation pics. So, today is all about remembering what a good time the hubby and I had!
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Checking Lake Norman's trails...[/caption]
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We loved the view at Lake Norman![/caption]
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This bird was not sure what to make of us. I had to snap the pic quick![/caption]
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US National Whitewater Center. We will be returning! The trails were closed, so we opted to do this another day but it was worth the $5 to park just to walk around.[/caption]
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South Mountain State Park...a highway detour we're SO glad we made on the way to Asheville![/caption]
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A lot of the trail up to the top of the waterfall was slipper stone or wood steps.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1699" align="aligncenter" width="480"]
Or just flat rocks that you have to traverse...[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1700" align="aligncenter" width="480"]
It was worth the climb![/caption]
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Definitely worth the climb![/caption]
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It's hard to capture in a photo but there was so much mica in the ground that it shimmered in the sun.[/caption]
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Down was just as tricky as up on these trails.[/caption]
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Dinner at Mellow Mushroom at Asheville...Highly recommended![/caption]
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Breakfast at Early Girl Eatery. It was good...not exceptional, but it was better than the hotel breakfast![/caption]
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View from Biltmore Estates...some people have the life![/caption]
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Greenhouse at Biltmore[/caption]
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Fried tofu wings at Tupelo Honey Cafe...AMAZING!!! I would drive to Asheville again just to eat at this place.[/caption]
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And Tupelo Honey's banana pudding? TO DIE FOR![/caption]
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Biltmore House. Glad we decided to bite the bullet and pay to visit here.[/caption]
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All in all, a GREAT road trip with the hubby. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Warning:Sharp Curve Ahead
Why doesn't life have those type of warning signs? I mean, one day you're driving along and things seem smooth and peaceful when out of nowhere you're careening around a sharp curve you were pretty unprepared for encountering. There should be signs. Or at least a speedbump or two. But that's not how life works, I guess. My husband and I have went careening around a curve or two before in our almost two decades of togetherness and this may be the sharpest one we've encountered yet. The difference this time? I'm driving. Haha! Well, that was a little humor, but truthful at the same time. I am now the driver. And we are experiencing the most togetherness in all of our time together and despite all the warnings...we're loving it. Really. I love every minute I get to spend with him.
So for all of you keeping track out there...here's my 2013:
1. Daughter gets married in a wedding that I get to plan in two months? Check.
2. First grandchild on the way? Check.
3. Son going off to college? Check.
4. Two of "my" babies in daycare heading off to kindergarten? Check.
5. Hubby being home full time as we try to deal with reduced income and not reduced bills? Check.
6. Vacation postponed because of several of the above? Check. Grr.
I think that might be enough change for one year. Don't you? But, no, we're throwing another one onto the list...
7. Start a new business? Check.
Yep. It is official. We are starting a new business venture. Blind Spot Nut Butters. The hubby and I are both peanut butter addicts. I mean, I would exist (and have) on the stuff and it just seemed like it made sense. It is giving him a focus and I am fully on board. I'm the flavor developer, he's the dreamer and the muscle behind the grinder. It's a good mix. We make good partners.
Our first tasting is this weekend and I'm nervous! I can't wait to share our vision and flavors but there's that little doubt that sticks around no matter what. I can't wait to share more with you as things progress.
Either way, our seatbelts are fastened and we're ready for this sharp curve ahead...but secretly I'm hoping for some smooth roads! I mean, I feel like I am at a good place. I'm happy and relying on God to show us our path and guide us. It doesn't mean that I"m always calm and at ease...I certainly have my pity party moments but I'm mostly there. Life is good despite the hubby's disability and whatever else we have down the road. I am trusting the plan that God is putting in place in our lives. But still, couldn't there be a sign or two warning us about the next curve? Is that too much to ask?
So for all of you keeping track out there...here's my 2013:
1. Daughter gets married in a wedding that I get to plan in two months? Check.
2. First grandchild on the way? Check.
3. Son going off to college? Check.
4. Two of "my" babies in daycare heading off to kindergarten? Check.
5. Hubby being home full time as we try to deal with reduced income and not reduced bills? Check.
6. Vacation postponed because of several of the above? Check. Grr.
I think that might be enough change for one year. Don't you? But, no, we're throwing another one onto the list...
7. Start a new business? Check.
Yep. It is official. We are starting a new business venture. Blind Spot Nut Butters. The hubby and I are both peanut butter addicts. I mean, I would exist (and have) on the stuff and it just seemed like it made sense. It is giving him a focus and I am fully on board. I'm the flavor developer, he's the dreamer and the muscle behind the grinder. It's a good mix. We make good partners.
Our first tasting is this weekend and I'm nervous! I can't wait to share our vision and flavors but there's that little doubt that sticks around no matter what. I can't wait to share more with you as things progress.
Either way, our seatbelts are fastened and we're ready for this sharp curve ahead...but secretly I'm hoping for some smooth roads! I mean, I feel like I am at a good place. I'm happy and relying on God to show us our path and guide us. It doesn't mean that I"m always calm and at ease...I certainly have my pity party moments but I'm mostly there. Life is good despite the hubby's disability and whatever else we have down the road. I am trusting the plan that God is putting in place in our lives. But still, couldn't there be a sign or two warning us about the next curve? Is that too much to ask?
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